A colleague of Dr. Horm, John Love, posted this last evening. He - TopicsExpress


A colleague of Dr. Horm, John Love, posted this last evening. He provides a great summary of 3 articles about early childhood education that appeared in the NY Times yesterday. Enjoy..... What a banner day for early childhood education! WOW!! The NY Times ran three (yes, 3) columns on preschool programs this morning. Each made important—and different—points. Nicholas Kristof noted how many (he said Republicans, but I think others also) misunderstand the oft-quoted Head Start Impact Study, which found progress fading away by 3rd grade. He goes beyond the single study to point out that there’s much research (which I can cite for you if you’re interested) showing long-term improvements in life outcomes. Gail Collins focuses on the financial picture: it takes high quality to have successful programs, and quality costs money. So, she says, “Maybe we could agree that no politician is allowed to mention pre-k without showing us the money.” Then Daniel Willingham & David Grissmer (a psychologist and educator) note the great variability in what actually goes on within state preschool and federal Head Start programs. So we need to attend to how to achieve high quality programs and how to get more evidence about the programs’ effectiveness as we go along. (Thats research, folks!) There are a lot more great points in these columns, so I encourage you to read them. I’m sure you’re all not as turned on by this discussion as I am, but I will have a hard time sleeping tonight! nytimes/2014/01/30/opinion/how-to-get-more-early-bloomers.html nytimes/2014/01/30/opinion/collins-how-preschool-got-hot.html nytimes/2014/01/30/opinion/kristof-pre-k-the-great-debate.html?hp&rref=opinion
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 14:06:08 +0000

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