A comment from a dumbass LIBERAL SLAVE on the source of our - TopicsExpress


A comment from a dumbass LIBERAL SLAVE on the source of our Rights: Keith Houston, you are wrong about the source of your rights. Please think that though. Under your interpretation, those who do not believe in god have no rights. Furthermore it must be considered, which god did the granting? Everyone who believes in god does not believe in the same god. Indoctrination comes from two sources, government AND religion. Historically, those two entities work together to exert complete control over the human being that need ONLY follow NATURAL LAW, their birthright. Well, she is a fool huh? My reply: Spoken like a true LIBERAL Nancy XX! Now, lets see, what is a god? A higher power, just that simple. A Higher Power is a power greater then oneself that one can put faith into for religious or spiritual reason, you know, THE CREATOR! Now, for atheists, their higher power is simply the BIG BANG, that is THEIR CREATOR! Plain and simple, and if atheists are STUPID enough, much like you seem to be, to say their Rights come the government AND THE MEN WHO CONTROL IT, then they will end up as slaves, as is happening NOW to every American citizen! Other religions define their higher power according to their beliefs, just saying. Every one of us, has to decide one simple, basic point of belief: Do MY RIGHTS come from men, or do they come from a HIGHER POWER greater then mere men? Choose wisely Nancy, one path leads to LIBERTY and FREEDOM, the other leads to slavery under despotic, tyrannical, evil men with nefarious plans for ALL OF HUMANITY! Further more, I NEVER said those who do NOT believe in god have NO Rights, all I said was that OUR RIGHTS COME FROM THE CREATOR. How YOU DEFINE the Creator is your business, which...wait for it..is also a Right we all have been given...by the Creator! Any one who says their Rights come from men and the government is ALREADY A SLAVE! So, who do your Rights come from people? a) the Creator b) men and governments Choose wisely, you only get ONE SHOT at this!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 18:22:21 +0000

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