A comment my state senator directed at me: Alan Clark for State - TopicsExpress


A comment my state senator directed at me: Alan Clark for State Senate-District 13: Jodda, I am and always have been more impressed by men and women who made fortunes and spent them to help the poor than those who think that they would if only they had that wealth. And I am particularly unimpressed by those who would take what they did not earn, supposedly for the good of others. And my response: Alan, what are you insinuating with your comment? You KNOW me, dammit, and you know that I worked 2 full time jobs, often putting in as many as 100 hours/week, while raising my daughter. I would work 12 hours in a factory and then go clean motel rooms when I got off from my first job. I did yard work for money on my rare days off. I think its quite disgusting that you try to pretend I am a taker, but that is the common opinion among people like you who work for the elites at the detriment of the working class. As well, I ALWAYS, no matter how poor I was, gave money to others. I bought school supplies, or a pair of shoes for children who needed them, I gave money and food to the homeless, fed stray cats and dogs, and everything else I could do when I could do it. And believe me, the $5 I handed to a homeless person hurt my meager budget tremendously more than the millions the Waltons and other predatory vultures donate to an art museum for a tax write-off. I worked myself almost to death, until I finally blew out a few heart valves and had to go on disability. I am still incredibly poor, and I still give money to people I see begging on a corner, and every single night of my life, regardless the weather or how sick I am feeling, I drive around and feed the strays, and catch and find homes for them as I am able. How DARE you fling hate-filled accusations at me, or cast aspersions on MY character, or that of any other person who is struggling to exist in the hell on earth you are now complicit in creating. I dont know what happened to you, but your morals have definitely been cast aside as you now cruise around Alaska with a bunch of lobbyists for billionaires and look for ways to deprive the needy and downtrodden of financial justice. How dare you!!
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 04:38:52 +0000

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