A concerted effort to deceive the American Consumer. This is - TopicsExpress


A concerted effort to deceive the American Consumer. This is conspiracy defined. .... John Patterson shared Daily Koss photo. ALEC is their interstate medium for a lot of these extreme legal manipulations they attempt and too often accomplish. There is a very good case that the DOJ might make to subpoena and question notable ALEC members who have, by all the evidence, conspired often and extensively outside federal and state sunshine law legal parameters to create a shadow government that actually attempts to change those very laws to protect their pernicious agendas. By every definition, if the law is enforced according to the letter, ALEC is a RICO conspiracy, at every level, particularly in terms of protecting corporations from legal responsibility, but also in their attempts at suppressing voting rights. Their pre-2010 election multi-state manipulations to deny voters access to the polls was a RICO conspiracy in every sense. Just one of them admitting that they all met to write laws that were INTENDED to diminish voter turnout in opposition districts exposes a HUGE house of cards that could come crashing down in an earthquake of public exposure. If the media wasnt complicit in order to get that ad revenue Citizens United bought them off with, the public might already be looking more deeply into the RICO charges that could be brought against ALEC and its many co-conspirators, on numerous fronts. But then, the L in ALEC stands for legislature. Certainly on the state level, these are the foxes watching the henhouse, so it is unlikely the letter of the law will be even considered, let alone enforced. More likely, they will continue to laugh at democracy as they plot a way to replace it with their neoroyal oligarchy.
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 17:46:08 +0000

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