A conversation of mine on LiveLeak In response to a cop stopping a - TopicsExpress


A conversation of mine on LiveLeak In response to a cop stopping a person for marijuana. Upon drawing his gun on him the man shot the police officer and said it was because he was afraid for his life. He was sent to prison for a very very long time. Here is my response to many comments to me. Lets see if I can respond to many of your inquiries. Depravity, thank you for the support (and from you -sloop- as well). I do not hold the same mentality of F*** THE POLICE as you, I have a perspective that comes from the philosophical holding to the non-aggression principle, that is, you cannot initiate force or violence against someone who is not initiating force against you or another, the only acceptable violence and use force is solely defensive. I understand that thugs use violence to accomplish their goals and am completely against it. That being said, police (especially in NYC) hold themselves to a different set of standards and believe they have a separate set of rights than those which belong to citizens. Those in government, the law makers, and those who enforce those laws, are the most egregious violators of the moral principle of not initiating and escalating violent and coercive interaction. Nostalgic Mind - Not only have I been to NYC, I lived in NYC, and have visited since I moved away from there. To say that you have had, or have known someone to have had voluntary interaction with a person or people group who are fundamentally violent and support aggression against non-aggressive people does not provide any evidence to speak of their peaceable nature. If I interviewed someone from ISIS and they were cordial in that voluntary interaction, that good impression I would get from them would not change their stated goals and coercive nature. Likewise the same principle applies to your comment about your positive interaction in taking pictures with the NYPD. killingforgod - In response to your Just wait until you need them, then you would be begging for their help. I do not call the police for any reason, for my protection or anothers. I believe that police are agents of violence. If you were not aggressing against another person and police aggressed against you and you matched each and every action of force, the police would escalate the situation until you were dead. Scenario: They shout at you, you shout back, they push you, you push back, they pepper spray you, you pepper spray back, they draw their firearm you respond with the same threat of force, you are now dead. Does that give a sensible understandable explanation of the difference between the nature of law enforcement and peaceful people interacting voluntarily? I am not for killing cops (the whole F*** THE POLICE mentality), I am for defending yourself with equal force that is threatened against you, and if that happen to be a law enforcer, he or she has no rights morally to be held to a different set of moral principles, and if that happens to be defending yourself with deadly force when, and only when, deadly threat of force has been initiated against you, than good for you. If police were held to the exact same standards that citizens were, and if police were only allowed to respond to force with solely defensive force, like citizens are, then, and only then, would I support their use of force. Until then they, morally speaking, are no different than, and in reality are, a violent gang and an agency of violence.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 06:21:04 +0000

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