A conversation with the girls sparked an interesting exercise - TopicsExpress


A conversation with the girls sparked an interesting exercise about memories of world events. I am 36 years old and I made a list of some of the world events I remember. Solidarity, Assassination of Gandhi, Challenger, Chernobyl, Halley’s Comet, Marcos shoe collection, Iran Contra – Ollie North, Perestroika, Chunnel, Berlin Wall, Tiananmen Square, Soviets in Afghanistan, Salman Rushdie, Exxon Valdez, Hubble, Gulf War, Soviet Union falls, Rodney King Riots, Ruby Ridge and Waco, OKC bombing, Dolly the cloned sheep, Good Friday Agreement, Columbine, Sept 11, Boxing Day Tsunami – 230000, Hurricane Katrina – 2000, Earthquake Kashmir – 80000, Cyclone Myanmar – 133000, Earthquake Haiti - 230000 A few thoughts...My family took in political refugees from Solidarity and they lived with us, so this is one of my earliest memories of world events, and I am thankful it is a positive thing, the list doesnt have many positives. Watched the Challenger live in school. Watched the clouds because of Chernobyl. Family bought an really good telescope for Halleys comet.Fall of the Wall is very vivid. Afghanistans hot spot in the cold war and Satanic Verses is my earliest memory of the Muslim world. Treat you like a King became synonymous for a beat down. I remember being 15 and an Anarchist when Ruby Ridge and Waco happened, being all hyped up. And then Good Friday helped quell the Anarchist in me quite a bit and politics and compromise became an option. Columbine was gross after a few other school shootings. September 11. And strangely enough the most current events I can think of are all natural disasters...kinda creepy.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 18:11:36 +0000

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