A couple dis-related, but equally deep-and-insightful sentences - TopicsExpress


A couple dis-related, but equally deep-and-insightful sentences from Scripture: When God revealed to Daniel the specifics of Nebuchadnezzars nightmarish-vexing-dream, he was so moved by the wonderment and privilege of it all, that he praised God, as recorded in Daniel to 20-23, Blessed be the name of God, for ever and ever... He provides both intelligence and discernment... Light spills out of Him!!! ( dont you just love that statement?!) And as I also read devotionally this morning, in 1st John, the second chapter: Love of the world squeezes out love for the Father. Practically everything that goes on in the world--- wanting your own way, wanting everything for yourself, wanting to appear important--- has nothing to do with the Father. It just isolates you from from Him! The world and all its wanting, wanting, wanting is on the way out-- but whoever does what God wants is set for you eternity... Stay with what you heard from the beginning, the original message. Let it sink into your life. If what you heard from the beginning lives deeply in you, you will live deeply in both Son and Father....Christs anointing teaches you the truth on everything you need to know about yourself and him, uncontaminated by a single lie. LIVE DEEPLY IN WHAT YOU WERE TAUGHT!!! I totally love these two passages of Scripture. They resonate so fully to something within me, something of His making and continued-shaping. Theres no doubt about it: Our world does not need more intelligent people or more talented people. It needs deep people! It needs spiritually alive people! It needs Christ in you, the hope of glory!! So, as the Scriptures above counsel us, let us live deeply, not shallowly or superficially, in what weve been taught. Lets always welcome and lean upon God, when it comes to knowing best how to use intelligence and to practice discernment--- for it is out of God---amidst our darkness--- that the light we need spills out from His very Being, into our very lives. Holy and Gracious God, to you alone belongs all the Majesty. From You and your very Being, comes the fullest & the most helpful expressions of Light, into our fractured vesselship-lives. Hallelujah! Amen. The above shared from an uncontainable sense and source of Wonder, calling forth expression through words---His Living Word & my human words. Love, Pastor Joe
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 19:50:12 +0000

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