A couple of stories...the first I was mainly an observer and the - TopicsExpress


A couple of stories...the first I was mainly an observer and the second an active participant...Several days ago I delivered a load of coconut oil to a Hersheys plant in Robinson, IL...it was late when I came empty and I took my break at the parking lot of the local Walmart. The next morning I went inside (Walmart) to perform my minimal ablutions and do some lite shopping. First things first. I entered the entrance and turned left....photo studio...hair salon...bank...customer service...RESTROOMS!...BINGO!!! As I approached the restrooms I encountered a young (30ish) woman and her son. She pointed him to the mens room and said go in there and dont take too long. I thought this a little odd since the boy was maybe 13 or 14 years old. I looked at him...good looking kid with a head full of curly locks. Then it struck me...he might be mildly developementally challenged. He entered the Mens room ahead of me and surveyed the place...urinals on the right, sinks on the left and stalls straight ahead. He looked around and shook his head. I proceded to the sink to brush my teeth. A little Crest, the electric toothbrush...I was doing my thing. The kid, after having nixed the urinals and the sinks proceded to the stalls. He shook the first door...locked...a mumble from the other side of the door...occupied....he shook the second stall door...occupied came the reply. He came to the third stall (handicapped) the big door...he shook it...locked. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him look around and then shake his head....BANG, BANG, BANG...may I come in please? Yall I spit toothpaste foam everywhere! A big voice from a black guy...someones in here man! I look at the kid, he looks around and shakes his head...BANG, BANG, BANG...may I come in please? ...while I didnt have to pee when I went in, I was about to now. Air escaping my lungs made a wheezing sound and I couldnt catch my breath. I said theres someone in there . The kid looked around in desparation. BANG, BANG, BANG...may I come in please? I caught my breath and tried to reason with the kid theres someone in there..you cant go in now. The kid looked at me...I need to come in please. I understand I said, hell be out in a minute. The kid looked at me and then at the stall door...BANG, BANG, BANG...may I come in please? theres someone in here!!! came the angry reply from the othe side of the door. I heard the sound of flushing and the occupant making ready to come out of the stall...I hoped the guy in the stall understood the situation...just in case I moved tword the stall to intervene if needed. This big burly guy came out and he was steamed! He took a look at the kid and a look at me (foaming at the mouth)...(he understood)...you got a lot to learn he told the kid. The boy went into the stall to take care of business. The big guy passed me and just shook his head. I finished rinsing my mouth and threw some water on my face. As I made my way out the boys mother asked me is everything OK with my son? I chuckled yes mam, he just hasnt quite grasped the sublteties of mens room ettiquette. She looked down and asked what did he do? I said its Ok, he needed to go and he found the biggest door there and was very persistant about needing access. She closed her eyes and shook her head. The boy came out and walked over to his mom...are you OK she asked...the boy shook his head yes. if someones in the bathroom, you need to wait until theyre finished until you can go in...do you understand? she said. but I needed to come in please I chuckled you may have to toughen up a little...but with that attitude youll go far in this world...true story.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 23:32:50 +0000

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