A couple of years ago, I wrote a tongue-in-cheek narrative in - TopicsExpress


A couple of years ago, I wrote a tongue-in-cheek narrative in which the protagonists sister is pregnant. Her husband keeps shouting jokes at his wifes stomach. Go get a job! Its time to get up and make something of yourself and stop occupying space like a layabout! Grow up already! Stuff like that. The expecting mother also has a very progressive cousin who says things to her stomach like, Oh, you sweet sweet fetus. Grow and learn, but you must accept that you are fetus. Embrace your fetus-ness and know that fetal is how god created you and fetus you shall remain for all time. Which of these voices is more ludicrous? Maybe we let our children be children instead of marketing tools. Maybe love them and encourage them to explore all sorts of things and, sure, embrace wherever they are. But also embrace and accept the inevitable and very likely fact that they will not look or feel the same tomorrow as they do today. I dont feel the same today as I did just five years ago. And I expect that will be true yet again. And again. I hope some political agenda will have less influence on my choices than the joy of actually being alive. I dont agree with everything in this article. Im not keen on the title. It must also be said that I often dont agree with everything I say, much less what you say. But I very-much get where this blog writer is coming from... Im totally fine with letting kids dress up however they like and exploring their imaginations and feelings. But to say a 2-year-old or a 5-year-old knows he/she is not a boy or not a girl. Puh-lease. You have to buckle their seat belt and keep them from running into oncoming traffic. Can YOU say you know what a boy or a girl is aside from a set of genitalia? Im all for breaking and redefining cultural paradigms of feminine and masculine but, to my mind, this is telling a child (explicitly and implied) how to feel about his or her own genitalia before he/shes had a chance to potty-train. Yes, growing up is strange and sometimes just awful and I love that people want to look out for me and for their children. But would you really want your parents to rob you of your own journey in the name of protecting you? Ick Ick Ick. I guess Im questioning the sanity of all this applause. themattwalshblog/2014/06/03/this-poor-child-is-confused-not-transgendered/2/
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 22:25:01 +0000

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