A cry from my heart... I am sitting here in tears, having just - TopicsExpress


A cry from my heart... I am sitting here in tears, having just posted two links about the gentleman in Dallas with Ebola. We now know his name and the circumstances of how he got it. He was performing an act of caring, compassionate charity for a stranger. And, he may die because he did that. I wish with all my heart that he had not gotten on that plane after that. But, he did. And, we cannot change that. And, I simply cannot help my tears. I simply cannot. My heart is touched. However...I am angry. I am not discounting at all the damage we may suffer because he did get on that plane. But, my anger is not directed at him. My anger is huge...and, it is directed toward the person and the agency I consider most responsible for Ebola now being in America...#BarackObama and the CDC. This outbreak started in mid-February in three of the most poverty-stricken countries in Africa. Now, Ebola has happened before. And, before this, Ebola outbreaks were contained quickly and stopped before they spread to cities and other countries. How? By the CDC getting into the affected areas quickly in effective numbers with the equipment and skills and knowledge needed, thats how. Never before have I known the CDC to wait so long to begin to move on an Ebola outbreak. Ive been asking for months now...why did they wait so long? They did not get into those countries until June. And, when they did, it was obviously not in large numbers. I called the CDC about this some time ago and found out that what I surmised was true: They have to be asked to come into another country. BUT...in the past, they have gotten themselves asked almost immediately. How? I suspect by having the President of the United States or someone high up in his administration, possibly the State Dept., encourage the country affected to ask the CDC to come in quickly. But, this time, that apparently did not happen. And, I have to ask: Why not? Could not the CDC have called the White House around March 1 and said: Can someone call these governments and get us over there somehow? Now! If the CDC did not do that, why not? Or, if Obama was really concerned himself, why did he not initiate a call to the CDC and say: What do I need to do to help your experts get over there right now? Again, I have not seen evidence that either of those scenarios happened. And, again, I have to ask: Why? Why not?! And, the person who ultimately controls and helps direct the CDC with its mission is the person who is the head of the Executive Branch of our government. For the CDC falls under the Executive Branch. And, that person is truly the person at whom most of my anger is directed. Why did that person not do more? He had the power to do more. And, to do more earlier and faster. He asked for that power. He campaigned twice for that power. And, he was given that power by the American people...twice. And, he did nothing for months. Why? Why not? I think I can answer my own question: #BarackObama does not care. I personally suspect that Obama is quite cold-hearted, frankly. Most narcissistic people are. And, he certainly appears to be a narcissist. Oh, he talks a good game. Hes an actor worthy of an Academy Award. Hes an expert at making people think he is caring and compassionate. But, in reality, all he is good at is manipulating people. And, this time, his manipulations, which I firmly believe hide a very cold heart, and his lack of leadership, have cost thousands in Africa their lives and may cost us more than I care to contemplate. And, amidst all the other questions, I find myself asking; Why has he let this happen? Why? When he could have stepped in early, seen that the CDC got invited into those countries and many deaths may very well have been prevented. Of all people, you would think Obama would care about his fathers heritage. His fathers people. But, he stood aloof and detached for months. He certainly used his fathers heritage to get himself elected twice. Why not use the power he obtained, partly because of his fathers heritage, to help his own fathers people? If he is conflicted about his father, fine, so be it. But, could he not have overcome that and at least helped earlier and faster and concretely simply from a humanitarian standpoint? And, finally, I have to ask: If he cares so little for his own fathers people, how much less might he care for us? For Americans? Of all colors, genders, ages and religions. Will he care any more about us than he has shown to care for his fathers people? I wonder. And, I am still angry. And, I still cry. Not from fear. From anger. And, from sorrow. And, through my tears, I cry to a loving God that I happen to believe in to deliver us from harm and from evil. For I do not believe Obama has it in his heart to help us escape either. ~cj
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 04:33:20 +0000

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