A cut from Chapter 7 of: JACOB’S TROUBLE – THE LAST SIFTING - TopicsExpress


A cut from Chapter 7 of: JACOB’S TROUBLE – THE LAST SIFTING OF ISREAEL The role of the Church in the drama at the threshold of the Messiah. By Lars Widerberg Discipleship does not settle for less than a Davidic perceiving of the things to come, be it persecution and isolation in the wilderness, be it royal reception before the Ruler of rulers. Disciples are men who dare to ask those questions which hardly can be answered. They certainly prepare for in depth inquiries into the controversy of Zion and its final resolution. In so doing, the first disciples were directed by the Lord to the book of Daniel: “When therefore ye shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place…” This distinct directing of the inquirer to a specific section of the prophetic writings settles for him a marker, which cannot be compromised or neglected. The Lord provides approval of the prophetic text in no uncertain manner, and He directs the inquiring mind towards a set of markers which will speak loud and clear in an otherwise hazy realm of future history. Matt 24:15, Dan 11:31, 12:11 The texts to be secured from the prophet’s pen, as imperatively advised by the Lord, ascertains a gathering of the Jews to their land in the fact that they are said to be in the position of establishing a treaty for the sake building a temple in Jerusalem. This they will do with fervor and swiftness only to find the vile prince, with whom they have collaborated, to have changed his mind radically after a short period. By the utter contamination of the temple by means of the “abomination of desolation” the latter phase of the “apocalyptic week” begins – a period of 3.5 years, which is the great tribulation, the sifting of the Jewish entity among all nations. In response to this the most intense predicament ever to confront the nation of Israel, Heaven will respond by allowing Michael to stand up, “the great prince who standeth for the children of thy people”, to be the instrument for the bringing of mercy and salvation amidst days of wrath. Dan 9:27, 11:21, 12:1, Matt 24:15-16 One of the more important lessons to learn while working oneself through the Olivet discourse is that the Lord by endorsing and approving Daniel’s description of the defiling of the newly built temple, sets the time line for a chain of events including the heavenly intervention by the great angel Michael on behalf of the troubled Israel. The “abomination of desolation” signals flight to the Jews present in Jerusalem at that time, it also signals urgency as to watchfulness and serving to the Church. It signals the ruining and dissolving of the ruling structures of this world. It signals totality, a manner of reduction and annihilation which has never occurred at any point in history. It declares without hesitation that the perspective revealed belongs to the “latter days” – Jacob’s trouble in all its aspects belongs to days still ahead of us. It leaves no other option at the very end, than a renewing and newness nowhere to be found other than in Zion, in the Davidic recovery and restoration of the Earth. “When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads: for your redemption draweth nigh.” Rev 18:19-20, Isa 65:17, 66:22, 2 Pet 3:13, Luk 21:28 -- -- -- Downloading the manuscript “JACOB’S TROUBLE – THE LAST SIFTING OF ISREAEL” may be done for free at the FB group: One final Sifting - Israel and the Church during Jacobs trouble
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 13:21:47 +0000

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