A day in the life at Chuckling Goat – woke up this morning at - TopicsExpress


A day in the life at Chuckling Goat – woke up this morning at seven, kissed Rich on the nose, popped out of bed and downstairs to do a quick workout. I use the DVD from Gillian Lane, the choreographer of Cats – she’s fantastic! It’s called Longevity Through Exercise, and it’s tough but dignified. Let’s face it, nearing 50, I just can’t be doing with dollybirds in spandex before I’ve had my first cup of tea! After workout, cup of green tea and chug down a glass of kefir. This will keep me full until at least 11 am. Make some porridge with dark chocolate, raspberries and walnuts to take with me – yumm - today I’m going down to man our stall at the farmers market in Aberystwyth, heaven to be right on the ocean with the live music and artisan products all around! Pack the car by 8.30 and I have the stall set up by 9.30, when customers start to prowl the stalls. Carys, our new helper, has been packing and shipping in the dairy – she comes down to relieve me around 11 and I come back to the house to check the phones and email. We made beautiful thyme & tea tree soap yesterday, and a batch of spearmint soap as well. It’s curing on the kitchen table, and will need cutting tomorrow. A new batch of bottles has arrived, and I need to have a look at them – we’re going to be making a spray with our CG Oil, lab-tested to kill MRSA. Because the oil is so strong, the bottles are going to have to be aluminium, so I need to trial the spray attachments out carefully. Rich comes in to tell me that three of the goat kids are unwell, they’ve got the squits, not sure what the problem is – we decide to give them another dose of kefir, three doses of the animal probiotic in a row sets most things right! We only use antibiotics on the animals here if the probiotic fail... Currently our biggest milker, Billy, has a case of mastitis – she seems prone to it, as does her mother Annie. I think it’s because her udders are so ma-hoosive that she keeps banging them on things. Ten days of antibiotics failed to clear it – but we’ve followed it with ten days of probiotic, and now she’s clear as a bell. Hurray for probiotics! Amazing how strong they are – I’ve got a speaking engagement tonight with the Tregaron WI, means I need to pack up my speech goodies and samples in the car ready, as soon as Carys comes back from the market. As I won’t be here for supper, got to put a casserole in the Alpha ready for the boys to have, and fresh bread in the bread machine – Busy days! Wish I could stop for a nap – but perhaps a pot of coffee instead?x
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 10:58:48 +0000

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