A day in the life of an entrepreneur ... Up early 7am UK client - TopicsExpress


A day in the life of an entrepreneur ... Up early 7am UK client focussing on blasting through money BS that is keeping her gift all wrapped up in a mythical comfort zone ... assive breakthroughs, new neural networks firing, all is right in entrepreneur land. Coffee + family soul food. 10am Webinar on Money Mindset and Self Limiting Shiz for Donna of Socially Sorteds fame and my B School Get Shiz Done group ... sweet connections, re-remembering the WHY behind why we do what we do, open hearted conversation. Tea + soul food - this time a trip to the little ladies school for yoga and marimba. 2pm Check in time for Destination Delicious life transformation program and Mind Money Mojo Mastermind babes ... so much awesomeness and courage and F to the YEAH realisations, so much support, so much love, so much goodness being shared and so much pain revealed ... a moment of grateful tears (I still dont really know how I go there, but I know deep inside me that this is what I was always meant for - to bear witness to this, to be one part guide and one part butt kicker, but most of all humbled by the strength endurance and downright ah-mazingness that is the human spirit). 4:15pm peace and quiet and a little lay down a cuddle with the little ladies. Dinner, soul food, breath. 7:00pm Swagger Project webinar - live Q and A for a delicious group of ladies travelling throgh life and biz and getting their swagger on. More open hearts, more sweet relief, more I am really GOOD ENOUGH gobsmacking soul wagging its tail understandings. 9:00pm bed and sweet zzzzz - with a full heart and a peaceful mind. Yes some days are long, but long days doing what you are meant to be doing sure beat the crapola out of long days selling my soul to the devil in a corporate box. :) you - my love - what did you do today that moved you?
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 06:19:23 +0000

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