A demonstration/still performance piece for absolute world peace - TopicsExpress


A demonstration/still performance piece for absolute world peace and infinite truth. Humanity has done a great job so far in waking up and combining efforts to create a world of prosperity. However, there is still much work to be done. Now that the masses have lifted the veil on political injustice, it is time to lift the veils of deeper truths. The truth of who we are beyond centuries of the mental programming of corrupt social, political, and religious leaders. It is time to take this a step further. It is time to really wake up. You are here now for a reason and deep down we all feel this undeniable truth. You are here to be a part of the change. You are here to be a part of a global group of people who will lead our world into the Utopia that we all want it to be. You are a leader, you are powerful, and you can make a difference. For centuries our hearts have been instilled with fear from an infinite number of sources and ways to keep the masses under control. We are gathering now in our fearlessness. We are coming back to who we are, and we understand that, if love is the reason the human species has not been extinct, then we need to start opening up to a lot more of it by opening our own hearts. We are creator beings who have the ability to create our reality. We will not continue to let a small group of people abuse or destroy us and our planet for personal gain. We are reclaiming our power NOW. We will gather OUTSIDE of Sushi Samba on Lincoln road. We will be making the signs, so all you have to do is show up with your awesome energy. We will have anonymous masks and a face painter who will be doing tribal designs. We will ask for everyone to line up in a straight line. The first person will be holding a sign promoting a positive message while wearing an anonymous mask. The second person will be face-painted, sitting on the ground in meditation, so and so forth. We will do 3 sets of 15 minutes with 5 minute breaks in between, so please be there on time ♥ This will be a filmed performance piece/demonstration. This will be blasted! We are going to combine great efforts to make this go Viral! We want to represent Miami in a POSITIVE way. We want the world to know we are here, we are aware, and we are ready to be a part of the coming golden age where everyone is equal and we all live in peace! Afterwards the family is going to hang out, connect, and enjoy each others company. Where will Friday night take us? Who knows! Join us on our adventure for world peace, connecting, and coming together in love and faith! We welcome you to our family! COME OUT AND LET THE UNIVERSE KNOW THAT YOU CARE AND THAT YOU ARE READY TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! We love you and hope to see you there ♥ This is who we are! see links below :) https://facebook/pages/Lovers-Movement/173797436140292?ref=br_tf youtube/watch?v=BPfkwf7obv0&feature=youtu.be loversmovement.org/ https://twitter/LoversMovement
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 21:00:45 +0000

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