A different way to look at Malachi- (not taught by the church) - - TopicsExpress


A different way to look at Malachi- (not taught by the church) - that’s why the Lord had to send a prophet with the burden of the word to Israel (church). Chapter 1 The Lord is questioning Israel/church, even the rebellious brother Esau, in whom the Lord destroys. We see in whom the Lord loved which was Jacob/Israel/church, but beyond their borders the Lord addresses the Priests who despise His name and about their polluted offerings they bring before the Lord. Which is nothing but, of defiled words and of works they do for the people. When we look at the word Governor, one thinks of the head of state/ covering. Then we see in verse 9 how they are being called to entreat of God’s favor and wanting to address someone among them to get up and shut the doors, ( someone bold enough to address what is wrong and by shutting the door, (meaning to cut it off and out of the services). So, that they would not kindle fire on the Lord’s alter in vain and then we see the Lord has no pleasure in them. We see the Lord making his self great among the Gentiles (the workers of the tribe of Levi and for the kingdom of God). He starts questioning the church since, they DO NOT FEAR THE NAME OF THE LORD but, mocks the laws of the Lord sacrifice. (Which in the NT- we know has to be THE LAMB OF GOD- JESUS). Since, they corrupted the covenant of Levi by causing many to stumble in the law or the way of the Lord, the Lord made them contemptible and base. So, we see the church departed from the way of the truth and brought in treachery of infidelity of others wives. (Meaning teaching/doctrines/witchcraft of Jezebel), which was by their OWN CHOICE OF COVENANT- we see in verse 14. By looking at their actions, words (lies, hypocrites, greed) the Lord warns them to take heed to their spirit????? ( having all things backwards, calling evil good and becoming even more rebellious, stated “where is the God of Justice”- mocking the living God. Chapter 3- Then we see John the Baptist preparing the way for the Lord to come back into the church, and the entrance of the Holy Spirit (the massager of the covenant and of course Jesus his self for our sacrifice of sin). Then we see the Lord asking in whom shall endure the day of His coming and STAND when He appears??? (Yes, we know this to also be the 2nd coming of Christ). But, what if that is in the NOW- speaking of the purifying of the son’s of LEVI/ the TRUE BELIEVERS OF CHRIST, which have been pushed down, persecuted in the church today). ??? So, that we may offer unto the Lord in righteousness for the sake of the church, and world. (As we see in verse 4 for Judah/the church and Jerusalem/capital/govt). Since, the Judgment of the Lord starts in the House/church and for us to be reconciled back to the ordinance of the Lord. (Instead they remain rebellious/stubborn). HEART Then we see the Lord questioning the Church for a 3rd time….. (which we know to be the AWAKING) WHICH TODAY THE CHURCH PIMP PREACHERS TELL THE PEOPLE OF GOD-THAT WE ARE ROBBING and WILL BE CURSED IF WE DON’T GIVE TITHES AND OFFERINGS. BUT, WE ALREADY SEE THAT THE LORD SENT THE PROPHETS (minor and major and even JOHN THE BAPTIST – screaming REPENT and then ALL POWERFUL HOLY SPIRIT). And they still didn’t get it!!!! Since, the priest/church/building, didn’t listen to the commandments, WARNING the whole nation was even cursed. WOW- NOW THERE IS SOMETHING SERIOULY WRONG!!! Then the people in the CHURCH/world, started to complain against God, not seeing what the PRIEST CALLED BLESSED and SO PROSPERIOUS IN THEIR OWN LIVES NOT COMING TO PASS…????? BUT…….???? BUT…???? BUT…??? WHAT DO WE SEE ???? THE TRUE BELIEVERS/WORSHIPERS/who feared the LORD FINAL SPEAKS…… (Levi Tribe) ARISE!!!! Verse 16--- A BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE---- The people of God started declaring THE PROMISES OF AND MADE BY GOD, INSTEAD OF MAN/PRIEST. THEN THE LORD LISTENED and made them his Jewels and would spare those that REPENTED to where they could now discern the truth from the deception/deceiver. LASTLY, BEFORE THE GREAT DAY OF THE LORD, THE LORD, WILL COME LIKE a BLAZING TORCH- pour out the POWER/ANOINTING ON ALL FLESH. Those that FEAR HIM, shall rise with healing in their wings, and go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves (meaning being full of the spirit of God) and trample on the wicked. Having the law’s of Moses, which are the statutes and judgments of the Lord and then….. He will send Elijah the prophet (his spirit- but also could be the person too)-we shall see. Which we can also see these two as the 2 WITTNESS in Revelation and the joining of the 2 sticks in Ezk 37. So, if your church speaks about not robbing God, and TO PAY OR BRING IN MORE TITHES and OFFERINGS, then someone needs to STAND UP and tell them, it’s them robbing PETER TO PAY PAUL and DON’T DARE PUT A WORD CURSE ON ME. Because when your HOUSE IS IN ORDER- THAN “ALL” SHALL SAY OF THE LORD, WE ARE BLESSED. But, SAD TO SAY: we have more cracks, breaks, in the foundation of the church that it is being blown around with every wind and doctrine of demons out there. Many in the store house are without food, water, clothes or their bills being paid. But we sure can look at the priest getting fat and having the run of the MILL. (many material things). So, instead of getting MAD AT GOD and blaming him for things not coming to pass. When in fact, you need to check your heart, and what you believe, THEN GET MAD AS HELL and START DECLARING WHAT GOD PROMISED, WHAT GOD SAID and NOT MAN. IF IT’S THE WILL OF GOD, THEN IT WILL COME TO PASS and not the will of man. WHEN THE CHURCH REPENTS AS A WHOLE, THEN AND ONLY THEN SHALL A NATION BE BLESSED. (we can see that’s not happening now)- SHAME ON THOSE PEOPLE WHO CALL THEMSELVES LEADERS… and HAVE NOT CAME TOGETHER IN UNITY TO CALL THE BODY OF CHRIST TO REPENTANCE… ON A BIGGER SCALE, SO THAT THE WHOLE WORLD CAN SEE, HEAR and TASTE THAT THE LORD IS GOOD. One last thing… now I know why Jonah did not want to speak the word of the Lord to the Nineveh. HE WANTED THEM TO GO TO HELL FOR THEIR SINS and knowing if he spoke to them, they would REPENT and that God would forgive them of their sins. BUT, EITHER WAY--- GOD WILL HAVE HIS WAY, SO FIGHT WITH HIM OR AGAINST HIM. by: Kristina Abernathy A.P. Abbey
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 02:46:12 +0000

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