A diplomatic source at the Egyptian Foreign Ministry told - TopicsExpress


A diplomatic source at the Egyptian Foreign Ministry told Al-Monitor, “Cairo has information about Israel formally moving [via African mediators] toward resubmitting its request for observer status in the AU. Egypt had successfully thwarted this very request when Israel first submitted it 10 years ago.” The source, who requested anonymity, added, “Ethiopia, Nigeria and Kenya were the most eager of African nations to see the resolution passed, with member states of the AU ultimately voting in favor of accepting Israeli membership [in 2003].” He explained the current moves to have Israel’s request resubmitted to the AU as “emanating from shared interests that link those countries with Israel.” Media reports have said that the implementation of Israeli military contracts had begun with Ethiopia, Nigeria and Uganda. The contracts included the sale of unmanned aircraft used in operations against insurgents, as well as economic support programs and grants accorded to those countries’ agricultural and industrial sectors. “We are carefully watching Israeli movements in Africa and have plans to confront any measures that might harm Egyptian interests. We have embarked on a set of unofficial actions to oppose Israel’s request and try to block the deliberation of the matter at the upcoming African Summit until Egypt’s membership to the AU is restored and we can officially start dealing with the issue,” an Egyptian security source specializing in African affairs told Al-Monitor.[...] Egypt’s main concern about Israel being granted observer status in the AU revolves around fears that such a move would be used to harm Egyptian interests in the Nile Basin. Egypt is already engaged in an escalating dispute in this region sparked by the Entebbe Agreement, which would deprive Cairo of the quota of Nile water to which it has historically been entitled, previously fixed at 55.5 billion cubic meters by the 1959 agreement,” the source added The same source said Ethiopia and Kenya’s official push, along with their call for active member states to vote in favor of Israel joining the AU, confirmed Egyptian concerns about Israel’s intentions. At present, security information points to efforts aimed at exploiting ongoing problems and conflicts centered on the Nile Basin as Israel bolsters its relations with second- and third-tier African leaders to safeguard its own interests and undermine Egypt’s influence in Africa. Ambassador Mona Omar, the envoy for the Egyptian president to African countries, told Al-Monitor, Israel obtaining status as an observer member in the African Union would allow it to be present during African summit meetings. This, in turn, would allow Israel to influence decisions, by offering grants and aid, or through putting pressure on member states and pushing them to vote for or pass specific resolutions. al-monitor/pulse/originals/2013/10/egypt-israel-african-union.html#ixzz2jN9W5SvQ
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 06:25:50 +0000

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