A direct quote from Liberal leader Justin Trudeau: “Canada - TopicsExpress


A direct quote from Liberal leader Justin Trudeau: “Canada isnt doing well right now because it’s Albertans who control our community and socio-democratic agenda.” Loosely translated into Central Canadian political propaganda - that means: Ontario and Quebec are loosing political power to the west because Alberta has oil / money and jobs, therefore Central Canadians better topple Stephen Harper and vote in Trudeau so as the oil / money / jobs and more importantly the political power - remains in central Canada. If this comment had been directed towards Quebec, you would never hear the end of it on the CBC. But it is being kept very quiet -WHY? The TRUTH IS: Canada is doing great right now entirely due to the fact the economic engine of Canada called FORT MACMURRAY is in high gear! Yes, oil means wealth to Albertans, Alberta oil money is also spent across Canada to supply the oil patch with millions of commodities from other provinces and that also makes jobs in other provinces, (thousands of Tour Busses to transport workers to, from and around oil patch worksites are built in Quebec to mention just 1) Ft. Mac / Alberta makes jobs happen all across Canada. Alberta oil benefits are shared with everyone and In doing so Albertans are unifying this Country by sharing that wealth with their fellow Canadians - BILLION$ in transfer payments are sent to Quebec annually!. People are moving to Alberta from all over Canada for the high paying oil patch jobs and that is what is changing the community and socio-democratic landscape across Canada. People come to Alberta for the jobs, AND THAT is what scares the living shit out of Central Canadian politicians like Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau. Votes / Voters moving west - Not a good thing for Central Canadian politicians who have spent generations making Billion$ fueling the old debate of Upper Canada vs. Lower Canada. The totally false comments being espoused by Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau are enflaming, separatist and the root cause of the East vs. West divisiveness that is destroying this Country. Trudeau and the Liberals are exploiting this on-going process simply to get elected so as they may destroy this Country. Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau has stated that If elected he will shut down the entire oil industry, Gateway Pipelines and all Hello RESESSION - DEPRESSION - POVERTY!
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 01:51:24 +0000

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