A discussion of fifty years ago It was a little more than fifty - TopicsExpress


A discussion of fifty years ago It was a little more than fifty years ago. The issue of causes and responsibility of partition of India was under discussion during a detailed meeting with Late Dr. Abdul Moghni, a distinguished scholar, litterateur and critic of the country. The context of the discussion was then published book “Partition: Myth or Reality” by H.M. Seervai, a renowned jurist and eye witness of the Partition. Seervai, with reference to historical documents, wrote therein that the attitude of all great leaders of Indian National Congress including Gandhi, Nehru and Patel and their irresponsible outlook towards Muslims were mainly responsible for the Partition. Maulana Azad and Mohammad Ali Jinnah kept on making efforts on their own till the end that Partition could be evaded. But the Congress leadership had made up their mind about Partition and to throw all such responsibility on Mohammad Ali Jinnah and his Muslim League. Dr. Abdul Moghni was urged that as a political group in the country has been condemning and harassing Muslims regularly after the Independence by declaring only Muslims responsible for Partition, so it is necessary that the realities of Partition of India be brought to the fore. And this work is not so difficult. Muslim mindset after Independence This work was not so difficult because its records are preserved in India Office Library of London and inside the country as well. There can be many books too. People like Seervai were also present (at that time). However the late Doctor did not agree to it. He was of the view that there was no use of this work; what happened is gone; now Indian Muslims should concentrate all their attention on the solution to their problems and on education and economy. It should be ensured that we maintain our presence here as a strong religious entity with Islamic identity and honour and dignity. – And this mindset of Late Dr. Abdul Moghni was representative of the collective mindset of Muslim leadership of Independent India. After Independence, Muslim leaders and their organisations decided that Muslims have to live in a pleasant and peaceful environment along with all their fellow citizens without any conflict with any group, forgetting the bitterness of Partition. Therefore, Jamiat-ul-Ulama and other organisations devoted themselves to rehabilitation of victims. All India Muslim League transformed itself into Indian Union Muslim League. Jamaat-e-Islami added ‘Hind’ to its name and declared Indian Union as its area of operation. 66-year history bears witness to it The 66-year history bears evidence to the fact that Muslims stuck to their decision and practised it. They did not create on their own any conflict with any community or group; however, they stressed protecting their Islamic identity, honour and dignity and Constitutional rights. While on the other hand, the mindset which had paved the way for Partition with their unjust course of action continued to work later as well. It was working at the time when Seervai’s book was published and is at work even today. Therefore, it is necessary to correct the record of history with regard to Partition; otherwise with the passage of time every new generation will go farther and farther from the realities. I was reminded of this discussion with Late Dr. Abdul Moghni after the report published in newspapers of 6 June saying that Central Information Commissioner Satyananda Mishra has impressed upon the Government to make public the two speeches Mohammad Ali Jinnah has made on All India Radio just before the declaration of Independence, and further that all the realities of the Partition of India be brought to the fore. The Commissioner had issued this direction on a petition filed under R.T.I. It is an opportunity if the Muslim leadership realises the need and importance of this work. For this purpose petitions under R.T.I can be filed on one’s own. 19/06/2013 khabar-O-Nazar by Parwaaz Rahmani, sehrozaDAWAT, translated by: Abu Yusuf dawatonline.blogspot/2013/06/a-discussion-of-fifty-years-ago.html
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 07:24:08 +0000

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