A draft of the intro to the Syrian Government Transition plan I am - TopicsExpress


A draft of the intro to the Syrian Government Transition plan I am working on. Since I am working in concert with folks in Syria, this is really just a draft. My assistance is being merged with the ideas of my Syrian friends over there and reviewed by a number of lawyers, so this is very much a work in progress, and an attempt to capture the aspirations of the good Syrian people. COMPONENTS OF THE PLAN: This comprehensive plan will seek to address the myriad complexities of forming a holistic transitional government in the wake of the social, economic, political, physical and institutional destruction resulting from years of civil war and sectarian violence in the Syrian Arab Republic. Whatever the cause of conflict, military hostilities inflict harm that affect every segment of society, starting with political institutions, but encompassing issues as widespread as health impacts, joblessness, homelessness, educational deficiencies, restrictions on mobility, destruction of infrastructure, the widening of ideological differences, and lack of community cohesion when peoples are forced out of their traditional homes to migrate. New governments formed in the wake of sustained conflict often face the daunting tasks of both installing a new government and rebuilding a society largely destroyed both materially and emotionally. They must overcome intentionally fostered feelings of mistrust and suspicion to build consensus and unity. Often, in order to replace a repulsive regime, a new government must present new concepts of governance that are unfamiliar and untested in their society and promote new, previously unknown leaders that emerge from the struggle with popular support, transformative ideas and transferable skills, but needing resource assistance to effectively govern. The effects of civil war impact all strata of a society: local, national and international, and thus the constructs of this plan will seek to address all those levels and provide remedies to deal with needs for representative governance, just law, civil order and societal reconstruction. This plan will start at the primary community level, offering the means to rebuild the local society by providing for a means of development assistance and representative community councils, flow through to the provincial level where an elected leadership system will be devised to replace the currently appointed one, and reach through to the formation of a truly representative Legislature and Executive government structure that includes adequate safeguards to ensure all elements of society have an equal stake. Finally, implementation of the plan ,and the process of working with NGOS, international governmental bodies and other countries will help the new Syrian government develop the necessary structures to guide global cooperation and take their place on the world stage. While the aftermath of war entails much rebuilding, it also calls for some faulty, inefficient or debased institutions to be dismantled. This plan will present guidance on the process to implement justice for the Syrian people and will seek to offer instruction on how to initiate war crimes trials, detain and contain those alleged to have violated international laws of humanity, deconstruct corrupt apparati, and restructure the military.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 21:10:09 +0000

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