A exercise is to take place over the coming days to prepare the uk - TopicsExpress


A exercise is to take place over the coming days to prepare the uk medical departments for a Outbreak of Ebola .Now history should tell us that whenever there is a exercise drill by emergency services it usually proceeds by a real time event for example Boston bombings 7/7 in London to name but a few . With that said i really would not be surprised if the media over the coming weeks goes into overdrive ramping up the fear level informing us that Ebola is running rampant throughout the uk . What could we expect to see if they decide to go through with their sinister plans ....well martial law will be implemented the impact it will have on your lifes will be the following airport screenings ,food and fuel rationing ,door to door house knocks by police and medical staff health screening the population. Forced quarantine under guard for those who unfortunately fall under their very broad protocols on who may have Ebola ,with the grand finale being a mass Ebola vaccination programme . As Ive mentioned previously this is nothing more than one of many staged false flag events designed to for fill their agenda . With that said if not already done so I would advise that each and every person sits down with your families and discuss as to whether or not you will take this soon to be introduced vaccine . I would advise you not to base your decision on that of which the cooperate media informs you ,as their purpose is to push the governments agenda which I have mentioned many times before .Take time out to Research Ebola looking at alternative views and opinions study the sign and symptoms of what they say is Ebola and compare them to other illnesses ,also look into the sinister effects of the vaccination programme that has been implemented throughout the world as a means of population control . I would hope that all what Ive written in regards to Ebola has been of some benefit as my mission has been to give you a alternative view which youll not get from the papers or TV. If you have just read them and put it down to crazy talk from a man with a vivid imagination then no worries,what matters is youve read them which i appreciate.I as well as many others who post statuses write articles or blog on alternative views against the mainstream mantra contrary to belief do not do it for likes attention to be different or to engage in debates . We do it for a love of humanity against a hidden unseen evil that is infiltrating each and everyone of our lifes thanks for reading
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 10:17:54 +0000

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