A failed society is of course the resultant effect of the role of - TopicsExpress


A failed society is of course the resultant effect of the role of the youths towards nation building. Yes the youths and their variables on interests towards sociopolitical development of any nation state. This ranges from personal interests on positive and negative motives to selfless interests. The complexity inherent is the leaders cum government who have taken their time to study the entirety of youth involvement in the development of the state. Suffice me to say that it is on this benchmark that our so called leaders have made much input towards ensuing that a virile approach towards youth positive involvement is stalled. I again doubt if 2015 will usher in a new dawn in positive engagement of meditate and positive thinking youths who have the burning desire to be crusaders of change and not parochial. In any state where youths are positively and constructively involved you cannot but see positive change in play. Let me ask us. What is the population of the youths in Nigeria? What is also the population of the youths in Imo state? What is the voting power of youths in Nigeria? What also is their voting power in Imo state? What height have the youths attained with respect to gainful empowerment and employment in Nigeria and Imo state at large? You can then understand that out of 75% of youth input towards choosing their leaders and sociopolitical development of the nation state what they get in return is 24%. I then ask where is the remaining 51%? Isnt that funny enough? No wonder why most youths find it difficult to meet up with their immediate needs and not wants. Education without a job is baseless. So also is learning a trade without empowerment. It is either we understand that we either as youths tell ourselves the simple but bitter truth now or forget been emancipated. The best our so called leaders or government have done so far is to pick few out of the lots of youths and compel them to mortgage their conscience and make the rest of the youths gullible. Let us at this time reflect soberly on the need for us youths to go back to the drawing board and remove the cloth of selfish gains and desires and wear a new look. Let us remember that we are the leaders of today and that we can reshape our future and that of our children. The struggle must continue. God bless Nigerian youths. God bless the youths of Imo state.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 05:13:04 +0000

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