A fax to my two State Senators regarding a pending vote on - TopicsExpress


A fax to my two State Senators regarding a pending vote on Husseins threats of executive Amnesty. If he can by pass our Legislative Branch oon such important issues then just why in the hell are we paying all of those Senators and Representatives? Call or fax your Senators today! Senator Johnny Isakson U.S. Senate, 131 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator Isakson, Before the end of the week, the Senate is expected to vote on the Continuing Resolution, but Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has filled the amendment tree preventing Senators from offering any amendments to the bill. Sen. Jeff Sessions will file a motion to table the amendment tree, allowing for a vote on an amendment that would prevent Pres. Obama from granting amnesty and work permits to illegal aliens. Please vote in favor of Sen. Sessions motion to table the amendment tree, so the Senate can vote on Pres. Obamas executive amnesty. Pres. Obama has announced that he will take executive action after the midterm elections in November that could grant amnesty and work permits to an estimated 5-6 million illegal aliens. The action could also expand existing guest-worker programs, allowing more foreign workers to compete with American workers for jobs and depress wages. Sen. Reid has not only blocked House-passed legislation that would prevent Pres. Obama from issuing his executive amnesty from coming to the Senate floor for a vote, but has also encouraged the President to go big with his plans. I oppose Pres. Obamas executive action, and I think you should do the same. As a voter, I want to know where you stand on this issue. Im urging you to vote in favor of Sen. Sessions motion to table the amendment tree, so the Senate can vote on Pres. Obamas executive amnesty once and for all. If you vote against Sen. Sessions amendment, I will consider it a vote in favor of Pres. Obamas executive amnesty. Looking forward to your support, Robert Kite P.S. Thank you in advance for taking a stand against Husseins dictatorial threats and actions
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 10:37:00 +0000

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