A feeling of importance in life sometimes would get people to the - TopicsExpress


A feeling of importance in life sometimes would get people to the state of insanity. Not the crazy term but the cool one. Guess what miracles you and I can haul out by giving a young people (young nation) a honest appreciation of just a fish on a plate-so deeply desired! This side of importance is one of the chief conspicuous mark between mankind and animals craving to be appreciated. A gnawing and unfaltering human hunger is the individual who honestly satisfies this heart-hunger by holding people in the palm of his or her hand and even the ‘also-run’ will be sorry when the opportunity dies. Going the whole hog simply means the manner of effort one would take despite the early dew of the morning- perhaps that cold morning which cuts with a sharp thin pain in the skin. Numbness in the nerve cells deactivating the enzymes and essential hormones in the system. Probably sending with a sigh on the needy in the cold morning that wakes up with a mighty row in the face-grim of stupor wrecking dream ships on the rocks of reality. What an incantation could this be? Is this then what we all expect to be treated with that mood of contempt? Certainly not. But just to pull a few legs or jog your memory a bit fast is that no one would like to incur what he or she is not fault but would like (with more love) to be treated with an importance in life In my case, I still have difficulties to put up with the terms in order to slot everything back to the track. Although, one could be quite foxy or a Solomon in comprehending matters connecting people’s ability, still the clear tone is how to nurture the importance of young and growing people. Thanks to the Deity that the quest whittled down on this remnant story after several abortive attempts. A theme I fervently drag swiftly during Sundays to uplift my low spirit with the Word- a place where I always find peace! Definitely that meant the’ spiritual Pisces’ as one of my students had put it. Yeah, she was right—the fish I was apparently holding a discussion with my students in the science club congress room before they were to sit for their term two exam in a fortnight. Although, I do take them English and Physics and would have rather expected questions such as in Ngugi Wa Thiong’o’s: The River Between: “why did he kill Muthoni? Why the two ridges; Makuyu and Kameno seemed to be two sleeping lions, antagonistic and ready to come into a fierce fight over ‘who is who’. The other dole of the question I had eagerly hurled and pinned all my expectation was on the two theories that explain the formation of mirages (total internal reflection). The questions I had imposed to for three students to find out their research after school hours and during weekends or on their normal errands. Both questions were precisely met with credited answers in their respective classes . In two days’ time they had summed up an essay with of their findings, thoughts and what research had allowed them to grip the little knowledge. “She wanted to see Jesus”. Mary was the first to shoot her comment, breaking the silent air “Who?” I mumbled. “Muthoni……….” She was at the end finishing ,waiting for the rest who were still anaerobically respirated by the’ lactic acid’ “And how about that?” I asked. I meant the other dole. She is one kind of a student that any teacher would like to teach if only you had groomed up the schemes properly or else she will (would) put you into that trouble you don’t desire to be in. A jar on you as to say that openly. As the rest would be trying to discharge their views in difficulties, she would be a mile(s) a head. In the contrary the underdogs (I don’t have black sheep) would have taken the back seat. These could be the kind of students who have their memories skipping a couple of days. Is this altruistically right? May be, might, perhaps or certainly not. This takes me aback (a few doors behind to my primary teacher, Mr. John Adeya). Mr. John was my teacher of English, who had drawn down clearly this illustration to point out the imaging science in characters of students. He said that you have to give them an apt introduction of questions to test their limit of ability to think before they can pile a heap of worries on you! “A bright student has the ability to ‘cook’ questions that are viable and at the same time be able to answer them accordingly before intricating them to their teachers” He added. I threw in the towel. To the best scrutiny possible, this is the technique I had grown up with---an aid that drives the real momentum in my new career (though a UT) Back to the discussion was this burning desire (issue) among my hungry students that had hurled their eyes, sitting and waiting to be played with smiles across their mouth on this aquatic creature. They were yearning for this feeling of importance and to make it sound better, on Wednesday-a day that always hinted clubs and society in the school’s time table. But this was a different one after I encounted a sea of faces glued in position inside the tucked classroom heaving with bated breath. I obliviously stooped in with a slight unusual stumble from the spacious floor and immediately the only thing I could remember was if I had really thrown an arrow on their side. I only dreamed to have done before I could wade through my notes on what to give them. But before…. (I thought) ‘Sir, who is a model student?” The question echoed along the parallel walls. It sounded like a broach that wrapped me in a series of thoughts. Do teachers also have their off-days too? “What does that want?” “How can I tie up what I want to what they want?” “Sir there is a dish on the board!” A voice from one of the student heckled my thoughts as it went thundering in the ear drum. “Yes, tell us why you always inset a fish on the board when illustrating learning aids?” Another one added to the lot. “Hilarious” I mused. What followed was an uncontrollable laughter! I suddenly realized that I was in a fix. Off-course I had prepared a particular project on how to make a local detergent but this was another one that needed my little biology to sweep the crab alone. What did they want? Not many things. Just a few things that they crave with an insistence that could not be denied, longing almost as deep, almost imperious, as the desire for food or sleep which is seldom gratified. It is this same desire that make the richest men in our towns build houses far too large for their requirements. Yet one significant difference is how history sparkles with famous people. If there have been, so far I only know of one man in history who told His disciples to pick a coin from the mouth of a fish. Naturally, you would run screaming to the answer “JESUS.” Why then did He choose a fish and what did the students want? It didn’t take long to run through the rapt edges when I was young-going to fish up in the Indian Ocean every weekend. Personally I am very fond of CNN (chapatti na ndengu) and ice-cream; a complimenting dessert for this hot continent. For strange reason I found out that fish prefer worms or grasshoppers than anything else. It was perhaps for this fact that they had learned it was probably necessary to bait the hook to suit the fish! “Sir what if you have never eaten a fish since you were born?” Shaka was the first to rattle out. It never costed me anything except my two hundred muscles to strain my eyes on the board to see a sketched figure of a well labeled fish. “My mother uses the usual method to tell my little brother to eat this and that….” Jenny added. ”Why?” They all fell in chorus.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 15:06:33 +0000

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