A female + male relationship is meant to be a harmonious ONE. Yes, - TopicsExpress


A female + male relationship is meant to be a harmonious ONE. Yes, one. A female is unique, being endowed with Devine Nurture, sensability and infinitely more and so she is equiped with natural (predominantly) feminine energies. The male is equally unique, in that he is designed to have strenghth, perservearance and courage; predominantly masculine. What I have observed often, is the lack of unity between partners, as ironic as that is. There is a lack of embrace going on. More specifically with men in that men are supposed to be uplifting women and showing them that in actuality they are not much stroger than women. This is essential in a holistic relationship, that the male shares and tranfers his masculinity and the femal vice versa. A correlating analogy is of the relationshio between Guru and desciple(in context). The true Guru does not oppress her or his disciple(s) to persuade them into believing that he or her is the only one who may attain the knowledge of the self. The true Guru tells the disciple what she or he knows, affirming the they too can know. Such should be the case in an energetically prosperous relationship between the Female and the Male. A Womb-Man is a sacred being, a mother, a sister, a daughter and a giver of life and so some less holistic thinking people might say, well why cant she be like a man in which I say because she simply is not. In a female + male relationship, It was made for man and womb-man to accommodate each other with their own unique properties as a symbol of unity and balance. Really, its phenomenal. Respect, dont neglect.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 06:47:40 +0000

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