"A few days ago I blogged about Russia’s warnings against GMOs - TopicsExpress


"A few days ago I blogged about Russia’s warnings against GMOs and the current US mercantilist policies promoting them. It is, as I averred, a kind of “food imperialism.” Perhaps this American nuttery took as its cue the practice of the Republic of Venice, which at one point, used its powerful Grain Office and thus the entire republic’s food supply, as collateral for expansions of credit; I simply don’t know. I can, however, easily see people like Henry Kissinger or Zbgnw Brzznsk sitting around and reading, say, Hunt’s The Medieval Supercompanies or studies by Frederic Chapin Lane and thinking, “Hmmm….Venice, Grain Office….what a wonderful idea!…” Except the idea, as the Russians recently pointed out, isn’t such a good idea at all. Amid the other concerns about GMOs, there is this one: Bees Dying by the Millions What disturbs me about this article is this: science is supposed to be about observation, and bee keepers are observing the collapse of their colonies – and hence of the “pollination service” (d0n’t you just love the euphemisms of modern scientism?) – in conjunction with the planting of GMO corn. So, the beekeepers rightfully are concerned. They address their concerns to “the government” which is supposed to represent them and the public good, only to be told that “’There’s very little evidence to say that neonicotinoids, in a very general sense, in a broad scale sense, have been a major component in the demise of honeybees or any other pollinators, anywhere in the world,’” according to “Guelph University entomologist Peter Kevan.” That’s it. Case closed. Keep planting those GMOs. All we need to find is a scientismist to dispute the common-sense causal coupling being observed by beekeepers, who obviously haven’t done peer-reviewed studies of the exact mechanism of causation, nor even determined if there is an exact correlation. And hence, we can safely dismiss them. This is the problem between the common sense science of observation, and the scientismism being bought and paid for by the agribusiness giants such as Duponzanto or Mon(ster)santo. Observation now means nothing whatsoever, unless one is a tenured academic rendering their nihil obstats and imprimaturs for the corporate magisterium. The observations of beekeepers, farmers, ranchers, mean nothing. And this, too, is an indicator of the depths of non-responsiveness in most western governments, agents are they are now almost exclusively of the corporations, and not of their citizens. Scientism, and corrupt bought-and-paid-for government agencies that function as nothing but a revolving door for the corporations and their personnel, is a deadly mix. Common sense, that observes colony collapse during GMo crop planting, would suggest to most reasonable people, that there is at least some sort of connection, whatever the exact nature of it may be. And common sense would suggest to most reasonable people that a suspension of such planting would be in order (for, say, planting heirloom crops?) while the phenomenon was investigated, and the “pollination services” of bees, an essential component in the food chain, was restored. But that’s the problem. Common sense does not prevail: money, purchasing the right conclusions from “credentialed” scientismists, does. Trouble is, it will avail them no more than it availed Robert Cardinal Bellarmine and the Roman Church. Like it or not, the heavens do not revolve around the Earth. Nor do they revolve around Mon(ster)santo" gizadeathstar/2013/07/bees-colony-collapse-disorder-and-scientism/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+GizaDeathStar+%28Giza+Death+Star%29&utm_content=FaceBook
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 12:51:14 +0000

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