A few days ago I mentioned on fb that I would like to round up a - TopicsExpress


A few days ago I mentioned on fb that I would like to round up a copy of the book “Shadow of Robbers’ Roost.” It’s a book I liked and read and re-read as a kid, but the thing is, I could recently only recall two or three bits and pieces of it. Well, it magically appeared on my front porch yesterday! (I think my sister Velva had something to do with that.) Totally cool, it has illustrations, my old copy did not. I read it into the night last night, almost finishing it before I fell asleep. The funny thing is, as I began reading, everything came rushing back. I was anticipating whole sentences just before I got to them. It’s like the whole book is stored in my memory banks somewhere, but I just hadn’t accessed them in a long long time. No wonder hypnotic regression works well sometimes. I would say I have forgotten or blocked out 99 percent of my past, but based on the experience of reading that book, all the memories are still there, buried somewhere. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not. Maybe it’s a good thing to live in the present and if we always carried all our memories around in the forefront of our consciousness all the time everything in our brain would be such a jumble we wouldn’t be able to even function. So the book, to me, now seems a little graphic for a kids’ book, but I don’t remember having that thought long ago. There are expressions in the book I still use to this day, but just didn’t remember where I picked them up, isn’t that odd? Anyhow, the book turns out to be a pretty good story (again!) There are some ideas in the book that may have helped shaped who I am to this day. Such as, sometimes it takes far more strength to remain peaceful than to fight. And the idea that, long after we’re all gone the mountains and rocks and buttes and mesas will go on and on in all their beauty.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 16:58:13 +0000

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