A few days ago I was flying back to Oregon from Lubbock Texas and - TopicsExpress


A few days ago I was flying back to Oregon from Lubbock Texas and there was an elderly man sitting in the row opposite of the one I was in. He was talking on and on for a very long time with a gravely voice. I didnt listen to what he was talking on and on about, I just couldnt help but find my attention distracted by the distinctive sound of his harsh croaking Texas twang. As we were finally getting off of the plane he was behind me talking to my Father in law about how he had made over a hundred thousand dollars over the past six months from his investments. He croaked on and on about how wonderful it was for him to make so much money with no effort and how fantastic he was to be so clever. As the slow march toward the front of the plane was about halfway to the front he started complaining about president Obama. Im no fan of Obama, but the mans tone set me on edge as he complained about him. Then he says My friend says that the darker a persons skin the lower their intelligence. I turned around with fire in my eyes at the disgusting racist remark and told him That is the most racist thing Ive heard in a long time!. He then smiled at me with the biggest shit eating grin and proclaimed with bright eyed glee Im a biggot!. I shook my head and said A proud one too. He then tried to save a little public face by saying It was my friend that said that. I told him that I feel very sorry for your friend as thats an extremely ignorant belief. Im glad that hes very old and will soon be gone from this world. Im also glad that ass-headed people like him are shrinking in numbers and that the global population is becoming more tolerant of the differences between us. I suppose he was probably raised by racists and never learned any better.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 17:58:35 +0000

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