A few days ago the Lord spoke the word relinquish in my spirit...I - TopicsExpress


A few days ago the Lord spoke the word relinquish in my spirit...I have and am still learning to put things God puts in my spirit in His crock pot...not be presumptuous...James 4:13-16 reveals people with God given talents...and like the untrained child...they want to show people what they have instead of it being about Gods plan...in verse 13 the idea is already precluded...(and get gain)...but at whose expense...your wife...your husband...your children...In the Hebrew the word love (a-hav) actually means to provide for and PROTECT those who have been given as a privilege in your life. I have known those who have MADE IT and left behind them a trail of tears...It is my responsibility towards my wife to be there for her...spiritually , emotionally, whatever the case my be...the major cause for disturbance in our relationship is when I see and head off a situation in order to spare her and she presses through ...we all have to learn to trust. Your partner in life is not there for your convenience...All three of my children as babes knew me in the night time...I gladly seized that time to hold and pray for them, laying a foundation for there life now...when I fail to relinquish my desires ...God knows the motive...IT WILL CAUSE UNNECESSARY STRESS THAT UNLESS GOD INTERVENES , WILL CAUSE SITUATIONS IN THEIR LIVES IN TIME TO COME...and we go through life like we had nothing to do with it...your life here is nothing but a vapor...be responsible to God and He will take care of you ...pride is a costly motive...
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 09:01:00 +0000

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