A few days later at the Dragonfly inn Lorelai: Michel hi is - TopicsExpress


A few days later at the Dragonfly inn Lorelai: Michel hi is Sookie around Michel: Kitchen Lorelai: Thanks Michel: When are you coming back? Lorelai: Michel I’ve just had a baby not sure yet Michel: Ok well Sookie is in the kitchen Lorelai: Thanks (Walks into the kitchen of the Dragonfly inn) Hey Sookie Sookie: Hey you Lorelai: So I was wondering what you doing this weekend Sookie: Not much don’t think why what you got planed Lorelai: Well you know Luke and I was wondering if you wanna spend Family time with us Sookie: Yer I would love to (Smiles) how’s Will Lorelai: He is fine getting big but he is ok Sookie: Cool Lorelai: Yer I’ve brought him in wanna see him you haven’t seen him since he was born Sookie: Yer sure Lorelai: Cool In the Lobby of the Dragonfly Inn Laurie: Hey Lorelai you found Sookie then Lorelai: Yep thanks Laurie for having the kids for me Laurie: No problem Lorelai: (Smiles and gets William out of the buggy) so what do you think Sookie: Awwwwwwwwww Lorelai he’s cute Lorelai: (Smiles) Yer sure is Sookie: Wow look at his hands tiny but getting big Lorelai: Yer oh he is due for a feed is that ok if I use my office to feed him Sookie: Nah go ahead Michel: Emmmmmmmmmm Lorelai where you going Lorelai: To feed my baby Michel: Oh ok don’t let me stop you Lorelai: Pleasure 25 minutes later Sookie: Hey is he ok Lorelai: Yer all fed and changed Sookie: Cool I gave Morgan a cookie he woke up wondering where you were so I told him that you were seeing to William so I gave him a cookie Lorelai: That’s fine Sookie (Walks over to the buggy and puts William down) Hey Morgan you ok Morgan: (Nods) Yer Auntie Sookie gave me a cookie Lorelai: Cool so I hear Auntie Sookie told me Morgan: Huh ok Sookie: Nice ay buddy Morgan: Yer yummmmmmmmmmmm Sookie: Cool Michel: Still here are we Lorelai: Yer why Michel: Just wondering Lorelai: Ok Michel: (Shouts) LAURIE WHERE IS THE TOWLES FOR THE ROOMS THE GUESTS NEED TOWLES Lorelai: Emmmmmmmmmm Michel could you please not shout thanks my baby and daughter are asleep you will wake them up Michel: Oh sorry A few hours later in the Diner Luke: So what happened? Lorelai: Well Michel shouted at Laurie because he couldn’t find the towels and nearly woke William and Leah up but in the end we found them Luke: Cool Lorelai: Yer so I dropped Morgan of at Play-Group going to pick him up later Luke: Cool what time will the girls be home from school? Lorelai: Round about 3.30 but Morgan finishes Play-Group about 3ish Luke: Ok well I will be home early Lorelai: What time? Luke: Round about 7ish Lorelai: Fine by me anyway I’m of home to give Leah her medication Luke: Yer ok ears playing her up again Lorelai: Yer (Kisses Luke) See you at home Luke: (Kisses Lorelai back) Yer see ya at home and make another appointment at the doctors for Leah Lorelai: Will do At home Lorelai: (On the phone to the doctors) Hey yer can I make an appointment for Leah please Receptionist: Yer sure what day Lorelai: Any day please Receptionist: Ok is next Monday ok Lorelai: Yes what time Receptionist: About 1.30pm Lorelai: Yer that’s ok got to take my little boy to play-group anyway so I should make it Receptionist: Ok see you then Lorelai: Yer ok (After she has been on the phone to the doctors she phones Luke) Pick up Pick up Pick up Luke: Danes Diner Luke speaking Lorelai: Hey it’s me Luke: Hey you ok what’s up Lorelai: Yer I’m ok just phoned the doctors and Leah has an appointment for next Monday at 1.30pm Luke: Oh good Lorelai: Yer she is taking a nap at the moment Luke: Cool well we are quite busy here Lorelai: Sorry better let you go see you later Luke: Yer see you later love ya Lorelai: Love ya too A Few hours later Rory: Hey Mom we are home Lorelai: Hey Hun had a nice day Rory: Yer (Turns to Dawn) Go and get changed I will be in to you in a bit Dawn: Ok Lorelai: So how was school was it ok Rory: Yer School was ok Lorelai: Cool do you girls want a sandwich Rory: Yes please Lorelai: Ok I will make you both one Rory: Thanks going to check on Dawn Lorelai: Ok Hun Luke: Lorelai you home Lorelai: Yes (Kisses Luke) what you doing home early Luke: (Kisses Lorelai back) well just wanted to check on Leah and see everyone Lorelai: Awwwwwwwwww that’s sooooooooooooooo sweet Leah is fine having a nap Morgan is playing with his toys William is asleep and the girls are in there room Luke: Cool Lorelai: Yep hey Libby phoned she is coming round later Luke: Cool Lorelai: Yer Morgan: Daddy look done this for you Luke: (Takes the picture) Awwwwwwwwww thanks buddy (Smiles) nice drawing did you do that at Play-Group Morgan: (Nods) Yer Lorelai: (Walks into the living room with Leah) Hey Luke Leah wants to see her daddy Luke: Hey baby girl (Takes Leah from Lorelai) you ok Leah: Dada Dada Luke: Yer daddy loves you Leah: Dada Dada Lorelai: Luke we need to talk later Luke: Yer sure ok Later That night Lorelai and Luke have a long talk about Leah’s future Lorelai: Do you know what you said the other night Luke: Yer Lorelai: I think we should consider that implant for Leah Luke: What changed your mind? Lorelai: Well Leah was taking a nap earlier and I walked in to her room and sat on the rocking chair while she was taking a nap on her bed and I looked at her and thought this can’t be happening again (Crying) and so I sat there and thought that we should have the implant for her I know she is deaf in both ears but the implant will help her hear Luke: Yer Lorelai: (Crying) I know that Dawn is deaf in her left ear but she has been doing sing language from a young age and now Leah is deaf in both ears (Still Crying) I know Leah has hearing aids but the implant will improve her hearing and speech Luke: Yer I guess so (Hugs Lorelai) Shhhhhhhhhh everything will be ok I promise Lorelai: Thanks (Smiles) anyway I’m going to check on William Luke: Ok I will be here when you come back Lorelai: Ok THIS IS THE END OF SEANSON 3 EPISODE 1
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 23:25:42 +0000

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