A few interesting issues came up in this talk show...The 2 that - TopicsExpress


A few interesting issues came up in this talk show...The 2 that always have my heart...of course came up too...NOQU KALOU...NOQU VANUA...MY GOD...MY COUNTRY...na noda i osiosi na iTaukei...I wish to share a few thoughts with my indigenous Fijian brothers & sisters back home:-We must all remember that Fiji is known by its indigenous people like every other nations in the world...and the people of all nations have their culture and tradition...AND...RELIGION...It would be intetesting to name the countries with NO Religion...We...the iTaukei must be bold and stand up for Christ...because our forefathers threw their war clubs of the dark era...and dedicated our vanua...Fiji...and its people...The Fijians...Na Kawa iTaukei...to God through Jesus Christ our LORD...Its through our practice of the Christian values & principles that has enabled our race to be accomodating to others until to date...A word of warning...Jesus said...Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven...But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven...Matthew 10: 32-33...KJV... Rua na vanua rau a digitaki Ko Isireli kei na noda Viti lomani Israelis love to plant...Our forefathers did too...and the lands are so fertile...We the iTaukei should protect...at all cost...our land and qoliqoli...Good health and cash (wealth)...are in the land...and qoliqoli...We must plant our fertile land that God has blessed us with...We own 90% of the land in our beloved country...Let us plant it with fruits & crops for all seasons...after all...the best food are from the natural resources...We grew some of the best pine & mahogany in the world...Lets just utilise our land and grow...it stops soil erosion anyway...FIJI...Nature at its best...Village mekes & vakatasuasua & aim for the Tourism market...Share your beautiful sweet fruits & yummy food with them from the proceeds of the land...Fiji...The way the world should be...Even our Indo-Fijians would benefit greatly...especially with their economic power...It would be really nice if all the iTaukei could be looking after each other on a provincial level...and later on...the provinces could thus help one another & Rotuma...Isa...ke lailai ga na kakana...E kamica ga ni da veidovitaka...I believe that since we...the iTaukei...own 90% of the land in Fiji...we are one of the richest races in the world...All we have to do now is to utilise our land with some help from agricultural and forestry bodies...nationally & internationally...and the state or government to help us secure positive and healthy foreign trading...and we definitely put an emphasis on ACCOUNTABILITY...While we...the iTaukei still own our land...lets not let the State take it for utilisation...Lets utilise it ourselves and the State can help us find the markets...for the proceeds of our land & qoliqoli... NOTHING is impossible to God... Union In Christ...for ALL...Toso SODELPA...Glory be to God...with Mariah Jane...Bulou Salata Ratukalou...Ann Faii S Logavatu...
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 11:36:40 +0000

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