A few moments ago a member of this group posted something that was - TopicsExpress


A few moments ago a member of this group posted something that was hurtful towards my husband and I reacted by deleting his post immediately. I apologize for this. This group/forum is a place for all Hydroflight sports lovers to come and write about their love and thoughts on the different products, events, and competitions of this sport. Bobby Vance I am reposting this and apologize for deleting it although I do not agree with what you wrote and find it very hurtful. From Bobby Vance - Distributor for Zapata Racing: Dear Hydroflight Sports, when you first came on the scene, you projected yourselves as an all encompassing Public Group where users of all Extreme Water Sports Products could come and be unified as one. I for one bought into that belief and supported the cause but as I have watched over the past several weeks, it has become abundantly clear that this public group is nothing more than a platform to promote Jet Blade and the Flytroncis Wireless Throttle (The Duck) while at the same time passively aggressively bashing all ZR products, events and competitions. Furthermore I thought it was in very poor taste that Jet Blade sent Ben over to Dubai to again ride on the coattails of the 2014 Flyboard World Cup and try to promote their product during this event...a truly classless act. Ben showing up at the event ended up uniting the Flyboard Family, as the majority of people in attendance saw his intrusion as tacky, rude and down right embarrassing for him. Some members on this site have questioned ZRs warranty and have eluded to the notion that its all about money for ZR. I completely disagree. When Johnny Vegas had his accident the Zapata Family donated generously to his medical fund even though his accident was not the result of a design flaw which could be considered a contributing factor to the accident. What did Jet Blade do for Derek Crespi after his accident? Why does JetBlade not carry product liability insurance to cover the cases like this? Here is a guy that was giving a JetBlade a spin, got into an uncontrolled spin that he could not get out of and JetBlade basically said “sorry, not sorry” and Derek is left holding a 5 figure bag of debit when all he was doing was trying to promote the product. It truly saddens me after the events of the past several weeks and particularly this past weekend in Dubai that this fracture occurred in the Flyboard Family. Perhaps people forget just exactly what and who brought us all together in the first place and then to so blatantly bite the hand that feeds you (so to speak) is nothing less than a direct insult to the group that brought you to the dance to begin with. No one can fault you for believing in the product(s) you choose to support, but what you should do is change the name of this platform to Jet Blade Family and start building your own identity and quit masking the reality of the platform by holding yourselves out there as something you are not. I believe that competition in the marketplace will no doubt bring about better products for us all...just look at the difference in the level of competition at the Flyboard World Cup this year compared to the first World Cup in 2012; the result of solid competition has driven these athletes to excel and perform at a level not seen by many. These same great things are and will continue to shape the future of this sport as long as great minds apply their talents.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 17:18:57 +0000

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