A few months ago I had a month at the office that was pretty hard - TopicsExpress


A few months ago I had a month at the office that was pretty hard on me..... Two dear patients were killed in an accident, a couple other patients had received bad news about family members and one patient came in with symptoms that made me ask if they had scheduled a brain scan (because I knew that the brain scan was going to show bad news) I also got a new patient in a young boy that had been dealt a crappy hand in life but had a wonderful adoptive family that was now trying to deal with another health issue. Almost forgot to mention a long time patient had suddenly started having unexplained seizures...... as a senior in high school. I know I dont go to church as often as I should, but I do say many short prayers, some days more then other. That month had me saying a lot of them..... I found myself praying for the family members of the patients and for the patients and maybe a little extra hard for the special little boy that I was trying to be part of what helped with a non chiropractic type of symptom.... This week I have been granted maybe the best gift of all. The patient that did in fact have a brain tumor (that had metastasized from her lung) came in earlier this week and told me, I am cancer free She had two separate surgeries and though the cancer had went to her brain, they have not found ANY OTHER cancer in her lymph nodes or anywhere else. They removed the primary sight and her blood work is normal..... As I was reading the surgical notes from the lung surgery I was humbled that God gives surgeons the knowledge and skill to perform the surgeries they do..... We talked about the surgeons did a great job getting the tumors out, and that God did a great job keeping her lymph nodes clear. I really have no other explanation for her suddenly great prognosis then GOD IS GREAT. Yesterday I saw the Senior girl, seizures have stopped as suddenly as they began.... I got to see the little boy today. The little boy that had all kids of Blood pressure issues and was constantly retaining fluid and swollen due to kidney problems looks like a perfect little boy. Listing off things on his Santa list, and I reminded him of why Christmas is so special.... I even teased him, as I always do, that he is EXTRA lucky cause his parents got to PICK him, and I just got stuck with the ones I have.... But that to always remember that there are little boys and girls that arent lucky enough to have such great mommies and daddies... I told him He was one of my favorites because he is such a fighter and that I get to work on old people with bad backs a lot, but not very often do I get to help a little boy like him.... Was really feeling blessed to have been at least part of the answer for him. I stood there talking to his dad for a few minutes, and suddenly I had a little boy giving me a huge hug...... On the scale of great hugs that was up there. We all get bogged down with our problems and without a doubt some of them are real. But so many of us let such little things bog us down, myself included. As long as you have a God to pray to, a roof over your head, a meal in your near future and at least one set of arms that will hug you half as tight as that little boy hugged me today........ Nothing else matters. Merry Christmas to all of you, thank you for being part of my life!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 19:12:15 +0000

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