A few months ago my Landlady had a brain fart and purchased - TopicsExpress


A few months ago my Landlady had a brain fart and purchased herself a Bull Terrier. Now let me start by telling you first this is a breed that I hold very dear to my heart I had the big Standard Bullies for many years and I love them dearly - but there is a reason why I no longer have them - I am old - I no longer have the energy or will power to deal with them any longer - this is a breed that needs constant exercise and you need a second pair of eyes in the back of your head or you will loose to those jaws many valuable objects dArt. This one is a mini - small it is but it is still a bully. There is no loss of the Bully nature if anything it is twofold from what I remember. Anyway - it could not be cuter its white with two fawn patches over its eyes and so it acquired the name of Isis. Which was quickly changed just recently due to the unrest in the Middle East and now her name is Iris - but Isis or Iris it does not matter because now Iris is a big girl. When I come home from Swimming in the early morning I spread my towel over my outside grooming table and lay my bathing suit on it to dry. Works fine. Except for Iris who very quickly - learned that if she pulled the edge of the towel she got my bathing suit and she would take it for a run through the bushes gathering debris on the way. Having had this breed for many years I knew that yelling and chasing and the word NO would have no effect on her. So I set up a booby trap - consisting of a hanging towel - and a small footstool with a large bowl of water precariously balanced on the edge of the table - this worked like a hot dam and it only took a couple of times getting bonked on the head with the footstool and soaked with the water and she left it alone. Apparently that lesson has been forgotton because last week my bathers went for another trip through the bushes. Today was swimming day. As I put on my bathers I thought they felt weird but did not really take too much notice as Roseanne was on her way to pick me up. The pool was chilly this morning certainly NOT the usual 84 degrees so I got in quickly and started my laps - there was quite a drag in the water this morning and I felt like I was pulling a ten pound weight behind me - but that was OK I did my 30 laps and then went to get out to go lay in the sauna when I looked down - I swear that my bathing suit was hanging almost to my knees. Now if I had lost the amount of weight to have caused this phenomenon I would not have complained. But I know I have not - in fact I would have been impossible to loose that amount of weight between last Thursday morning and today. It looked like as Roseanne said like a Gunny sack - it was also hanging down in the rear I looked like a Shar Pei !! I assume that Ms Iris not only took my bathers for a trot through the bushes but she somehow had a tug of war with them either with one of the other dogs or she hooked it over a tree and had a good pull. I purchased a new bathing suit on the way home. And I set up the booby trap again. I will speak to Iriss mother later today !!!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 17:07:12 +0000

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