A few months back we spent some time in the greenhouse and potting - TopicsExpress


A few months back we spent some time in the greenhouse and potting shed sowing seeds ready to put into the vegetable plot. After a while we were eventually able to plant them out into the garden or into larger pots in the greenhouse. Now, we are enjoying an ABUNDANCE of vegetables and fruit. During the last couple of weeks we have been starting to harvest the fruits of our initial sowing. Meals have consisted of, amongst other things, a variety of courgettes, beetroots, peas, broad beans, and tomatoes, alongside a mixture of fruits such as apples, raspberries, strawberries, logan berries etc., all of which have been happily growing in the garden. In the weeks to come we will also be able to enjoy the carrots, parsnips, onions, cabbages, sweetcorn, squash, pumpkin, runner beans, brussel sprouts etc as they all become ready. So, what am I learning from this? I’m learning that the seeds that I sow in every area of my life, don’t come to fruition overnight. Sometimes those ideas that we have and set in motion need to be left to germinate and to sprout before we can see them grow and reach maturity. This is not a matter of “being patient”, rather it is about knowing and trusting that once the seed has been sown I can get on with the other things in life. I might have to re-visit and add some water to them when they need it. I might need to remove any weeds that would crowd them out or hinder their growth, but basically I just need to allow the soil, the sun and the rain to do what is natural. The universe, spirit, source, god, call it what you will, ensures that those seeds that are sown in love and in the place where the ground is ready, will flourish and come to fruition. Be Still and allow the creative energy of the universe to do what it does and create ABUNDANCE for you.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 15:28:48 +0000

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