A few months before his passing on, Muhammad – living in the - TopicsExpress


A few months before his passing on, Muhammad – living in the city of Medina – made his last religious pilgrimage to Makkah in a trip referred to as The Farewell Pilgrimage. There, atop Mount Arafat, he addressed the Muslim masses in what came to be known as The Farewell Sermon. After completion of the Hajj, or religious pilgrimage, Muhammad turned back towards his home in Medina. On the trip there, he stopped at the pond of Khumm (at present Al-Johfa) and appointed Ali as the master of believers and also took a covenant about his mastership from those who were present. The exact meaning of the word Maula (master) is a matter of disagreement among the major sects of Islam; the tradition is recorded in both Shia and Sunni authentic books of traditions but they disagree on the interpretation of the tradition and the event, specifically the word Maula. There are also minor differences in the exact words of the tradition but that is the case for many repetitive traditions found in a single book of tradition as well. The tradition recorded in authentic Muslim books such as Sahih Muslim is that after the pilgrimage, Muhammad ordered a gathering of Muslims to come to the pond of Khumm and there he nominated Ali to be the master (Maula), which the Shias interpret based on the events and the words of the tradition to be an announcement of Alis successorship to the Prophet, while the Sunnis believe that it was just praise of Ali (a.s) that the Prophet intended to announce in front of his companions among whom were also some who did not like him, and hence the stoppage for two days and the event as well. The wording of the sermon in Shia accounts is as follows: Oh people! Reflect on the Quran and comprehend its verses. Look into its clear verses and do not follow its ambiguous parts, for by Allah, none shall be able to explain to you its warnings and its mysteries, nor shall anyone clarify its interpretation, other than the one that I have grasped his hand, brought up beside myself, [and lifted his arm,] the one about whom I inform you that whomever I am his master (Maula), this Ali is his master (Maula); and he is Ali Ibn Abi Talib, my brother, the executor of my will (Wasiyyi), whose appointment as your guardian and leader has been sent down to me from Allah, the Greatest, Mighty and the Majestic.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 08:11:42 +0000

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