A few notes from HG Srimati Matajis Nama Bhajan Class 4th June - TopicsExpress


A few notes from HG Srimati Matajis Nama Bhajan Class 4th June 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Srimati devi is absorbed in the holy names. She now lives in Vrndavan. Nama is like a fire. A fire always has effect, even if touched unknowingly. Nama always benefits the living entitiy. But offences against Nama are like a plastic pipe covering an electrical wire. As long as we commit offenses, we cant actually touch the fire, we can only touch the cover. and the fire wont have any effect. Better than to focus on how not to commit an offense, is to focus, on what our attitude should be. Pray about it. In a nutshell, if we live Caitanya Mahaprabhus siksastakam 3- that protects as from all offenses always. These are the qualities of a servant. Humility and tolerance. If we see ourselves as servants, than we will not be disturbed by honour or praise, by loss or gain. because our bussiness is only to serve, the result is not ours, it belongs to the boss. So it does not disturb us. This is the essence. We have to develop this attitude. That we act and live, think and feel, as servants of Nama and His servants. It is not enough to follow rules. We do need them, but it does not mean that we are Krsna Conscious just because we follow rules and do lots of service. To be Krsna conscious, we need attraction, attachment. We have to know Krsna. How? We have to keep hearing about Him from and with devotees. Not sporadic, but systematically, regularly. That will give taste, attraction, attachment. Just as Rukmini had heard about Krsna and became so attached, or the wives of the brahmanas.. it is mentioned in Krsna book, when they met Krsna, He was so beautiful- He looked just as they had heard about Him.. The washerman in Mathura- he had performed severe austerities in order to get Krsnas darshan for many years... But he had not heard about Krsna. When he met Krsna, he offended Him and his head got cut off. Do we want to be like that washerman or like Rukmini?? Its not enough just to follow a process. Bhakti is not automatic. Not mechanical. it is important to get the mercy of those persons who have given us the process. Srila Prabhupada, the 6 Goswamis, Mahaprabhu.. We should become absorbed in their life, their attitude, their mood, their bhajan. Actually, bhakti is not about me and my bhajan. It is about HIM and HIS bhajan! What is Mahaprabhus bhajan like? Vraja is crooked.. so many people say, we want Vraja bhakti, etc. But what is Vraja? And how to get their? We do not get their by directly approach Radhe Syam. We get their by being absorbed in Mahaprabhus lila, and by serving Him, His mission, His Nama. We worship Mahaprabhu Who is directly Radhe Syam. There is no difference. We should chant for Namas pleasure. Hear for His pleasure. Krsna should be the center of our lives. His service. Our affection should always flow towards Him. Nothing else should be main in our lives. We pray, that may my affection always flow towards KRSNA as the Ganga always flows towards the sea, and may there be no obstacles. Please cut my other attractions away. But that does not mean, that we do not have any affection for anyone, we dont care about anyone. We dont have any compassion. No. If we love Krsna, naturally we love what is His. We love everyone. But this affection is not standing in the way of our love for Krsna. We dont love them independent from Him. But love should be there. In order to achieve Bhakti, humility is essentiell. Actually, if bhakti grows, humility also grows. In Vraja, everyone is humble. Radharani is so humble. She always keeps Krsna under4 Her control. She attracts Him even by Her fragrance. When Her friends decorate Her, She looks so charming. She asks Rati anxiously: Do you think, Krsna will want to meet me tonight?.. Humility means to act as a servant. to understand that this material world is not everything, and that it all belongs to Krsna. In order to chant Nama, we have to cultivate our heart. Bhakti is not a process. Not something you do for a few hours every day, and then put aside. No. We have to cultivate this mood and mindset all day. It is the mood, the consciousness.. It is cultivation, culture. Therefore, to hear Mahaprabhus lila is very important. It is there... How do they interact? how do they see things? That is how we want to become.. And Krsna book.. How do the Vrajavasis behave? Feel? Think? Act? What does Mahaprabhu feel? How does He act? That is how we want to become. That is our goal and culture. and that is what we should be absorbed in. If we want love in separation,... that starts in Gaya. Mahaprabhu, when He entered Gaya dhama, the king of all tirthas, He offered obeisances with folded hands. When He saw the Lords footprints, He became overwhelmed in ectstatic love. When Isvara Puri came to Him, He gave him all the food He had prepared for Himself with great love and respect.. Jaya Nitai Gaura!!! ------------------- Sorry... this is just a glimpse... havent had much chance to sit at the computer. havent been back in my room last few weeks.... ==========================
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 14:28:38 +0000

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