A few of my friends have posted this video, but nobody has posted - TopicsExpress


A few of my friends have posted this video, but nobody has posted their opinion on it. As I dont know any of them well enough to feel comfortable asking whether they are re-posting to condemn or condone, I thought Id share it myself. That way I can make my feelings quite clear on the matter, in case anyone is interested in them. I think that this behaviour is retarded. Its a childish and totally pointless way to behave and if this is Truthers, and not just yobs who think that buying a mask that looks like every f*cker elses mask makes you hardcore, then they should be blummin well ashamed of themselves and go sit on the naughty step, like, forever. Of course, the most likely scenario is that it was seeded by the establishment with the intent of making us look like thugs and fools. Which is again why Truthers should never behave this way, because its just doing their job for them. It also has the effect of smearing Russell Brands reputation... How very handy for said establishment, wouldnt you say? It paints it to look like he is condoning violence, when he is in fact calling for peaceful revolution through spiritual awakening and the gaining of knowledge - which is what we should be doing and what will get it done when we twig. I know that this particular opinion will be unwelcome to many, but the whole wearing identical masks thing makes me gip from the get-go. I for one am happy for my thoughts and feelings to be directly attributed to me and I have no wish to be anonymous. I thought the idea was nifty when it started, but realise now that it just makes us sheep in a different sweater. I am me and theres only one of me. Just like theres only one of you. Identical masks are little more than uniforms and again, thats the side we are fightings tactic. To summarise, this is exactly what we are NOT meant to be doing and it has set the Truth movement back pant-loads. I bet tptb were wringing their hands with glee. With so much corruption going on in Parliament, for us to be drawing attention to ourselves this way is just taking the heat off them for another 6 months. This particular battle was won by the baddies, basically. Protesting proveably doesnt work. We need to actually be conversing with each other and formulating productive solutions to the problem we face. Not acting like cavemen fighting over the last buffalo leg.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 14:01:04 +0000

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