A few of you are aware that I was in a car accident on May 5th. I - TopicsExpress


A few of you are aware that I was in a car accident on May 5th. I was rear-ended while stopped at a red light that had just turned green, in my little red Prius - love that car - by a woman in a Tahoe. Her 4 yr old daughter was in the car with her. I was on the way to meet my husband. She was on her way to pick up her 10 and 12 year old kids from school. The speed limit on this section of a 5 lane road is 35 mph. I do not know how fast she was driving, but she did not brake. She slammed (and I do mean slammed) into the back of my car at whatever speed she was driving. She didnt just dent my bumper and hatch...she hit my car with such force that she bent the rear frame of my car. Since then, I have been under the care of terrific chiropractors, xrayed, had an MRI referred to pain management and a neurosurgeon for a surgery consult. Everyone (praise God) is in agreement. No surgery at this time. There is real hope that with time (approximately 6-8 months) my body will heal itself without extreme measures. Whats wrong, you might ask? One accident and I have a disc ready to bulge, another one bulging and compression of another which is causing inflammation and nerve irritation radiating down my right arm. How is this a big deal? I cant sleep on my right or left side without pain. I cant have a conversation with someone on my left or right (requiring the turning of my neck) without pain. I am right-handed so I dont crochet, read a book type or write for any real length of time without discomfort and irritation of the nerve which prompts the tingling and radiating pain down my right arm. Looking up at the sky and pointing to a bird, plane, star or rainbow causes a sharp pain in my neck which, once again, prompts radiating pain down my right arm. Scooping ice cream, using a blender, kneading dough...all cause pain. I am not writing this to gain your pity, sympathy or empathy. I hope only with my next words to make you think. When I asked the lady, What happened? this is what she said (all CAPS for emphasis not because of her tone - she was very pleasant) - Well, I LOOKED UP, and the light was green - and I GUESS I LOOKED DOWN, and bam! I hit you. And I looked at my daughter and said, I just hit that lady! Like many people I know, as she told me this, she mimed her words/activities. In her hand she held her cell phone. When she looked up - she held her cellphone out in front of her and SHOWED me what she did. When she looked down she looked back at her cell phone - once again SHOWING me what she did. This, seemingly nice lady, mother of three was driving distracted. She might have been texting, reading her email, or even checking Facebook...but in her own words and actions she was using her cell phone while driving. I see a lot of videos on Facebook. I have noticed some of them are taken while a car is in motion. It is painfully obvious some of those are being videoed, not by a passenger, but by the DRIVER. We all think, at some time or another, That wont happen to me. It can and it might. So dont do it. Dont be the person who causes the accident. Your childs cute face, another cars funny bumper sticker, another persons shocking fashion choice, the beautiful view of the ocean from a bridge is NOT worth the risk. Those who know me know that I am not a complainer. I promise I am not complaining now. I KNOW my accident could have been so much worse. Lord willing, I will heal with time. Others have not been so fortunate. I know that - just as I know the people taking the time to read this would never intend to hurt another person, but you CAN and you MIGHT if you dont put the cell phone down while driving.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 15:38:28 +0000

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