A few of you may know by now that I’ve made the difficult - TopicsExpress


A few of you may know by now that I’ve made the difficult decision to leave Doctor Werewolf, with Adam remaining behind the wheel to carry on in my absence. DW has been such a big part of my life over the last 4 years, it’s going to be difficult to imagine life without it. From two idiots messing around in a home studio to two idiots messing around on national festival stages - there’s never been a dull moment. (Except that flight to Perth, it’s a killer!) There are so many people to thank, I’m reluctant to mention anyone as I’m most certainly going to leave someone out. But special thanks, of course, to Adam, Yasoda, Dayna, Joel, Anand, Jesse, Paul, Klaus, Jeff, every promoter that ever thought it was a wise decision to let us take control of their sound systems, every act we ever toured with, every festival that let us be absolute dicks behind the scenes, every label that ever released us and every fan that came out and reminded us why music is one of the greatest things in the world. If I’ve left you out that’s only because I’m a horrible bastard. Super double amazingly crazy special thanks to my girlfriend, Julia (as well as every flatmate I’ve ever had) for putting up with me creating music that, as the great Dylan Moran put it, probably ‘sounded like a million fire engines chasing ten million ambulances through a war zone’. It’s been quite a time and I’m going to miss it terribly. Ive truly had some of the greatest times of my life as a part of this scene, and the people involved. The scene will, as ever, continue to grow and evolved due to the incredible talent and raw enthusiasm of everyone around it. ANYWAY… If you’re in Sydney this Friday, Adam and I will be playing one of our last shows together at DW’s spiritual home, the Chinese Laundry, along with the mighty Phetsta, and I’d love to see you there. I’ll be the guy that’s a bit fabulous spilling drinks on the decks. It’s ok, they’re only hired. Andrew x
Posted on: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 22:29:53 +0000

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