A few of you were wanting to see my paragon essay Scouts are - TopicsExpress


A few of you were wanting to see my paragon essay Scouts are better than whatever you’re playing right now. Granted, the previous statement is my opinion, and therefore open to debate, but I have good reasons for believing so, trust me. Regardless of the time spent in the game, most players choose a class, and then stick with their first choice. For the majority of classes, this boils down to two categories – Hit stuff with sticks, or say things fast and remember a lot of words. (ie: Melee or Magic) For a lot of players, this choice is simple, and rarely do they venture into the other half of the spectrum and try the other way of playing. Scout is the bridge between. Scout is, in my mind, the perfect class. It is not predisposed toward melee, distanced or up close, and nor does it lean overmuch on magic. For a newer player, it will allow them to fully experience the game, both magic and melee, without having to worry about the rules for two classes. If a player wishes to try out a bow, or a throwing weapon for today, they need not switch class entirely. A player can immerse themselves into the magic portion of our game on their own terms (and levels) through use of the Scout’s crowd controlling ‘Hold Person’ or remove themselves from a difficult situation with ‘Shadow Step’. For the more seasoned players, most of whom have already chosen one side of the coin or the other, Scout offers a slow change. It will allow them to (as for a new player) immerse themselves in the unfamiliar portion of class game play. There are not long lists of spells to memorize, nor must you be good with any particular weapon in order to be efficient. This class is also one of the most useful on the field, again, in my not-so-humble opinion. In most strategy employed on a field, the opposing team seems to (again) flip a coin, and either chooses to target the magic or the melee on your own. The scout, being in both categories, and neither at the same time usually passes under the radar, and is therefore able to flit around the field uncontested, combating crowd control with their release, striking hard blows to the efficiency of their opponent with dispel, and assisting healers in keeping their team alive. On par power-wise with nearly every class, and being so versatile, scouts also are capable of filling in gaps in a game. Have no bow user yet? No problem, scouts are there. Need some type of alternate range? We’ve got throwies. Have no casters, and the other team does? Grab a scout as fast as you can. In the end, I can’t find much of a reason to not play Scout. Granted, I love it, so I’m a bit biased. Dahlia Aed (Emily Hulen) A Scout, and damn proud.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:32:18 +0000

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