A few people are asking for my three day reset so thought Id just - TopicsExpress


A few people are asking for my three day reset so thought Id just post in the group. This is the one I do to start, its not for the faint hearted, I juice very little fruit, but it will really set you off on the right foot and after that (or during your three days, these recipes arent set in stone, I would just recommend very little to no fruit during a reset) you can start playing about with your recipes. You will learn very quickly hwr you like and dislike in a juice. Additional to this juice program dont forget to get in as much water (pre boiled) as possible (although with juicing you wont need as much, Id still recommend at least a litre) . I also recommend organic wherever possible for the absolute best nutrients you can get. 3 day juice reset Start day with boiled water & lemon (as many lemon slices as you like but minimum of two) You can then take the juices in any order you prefer although I always like to start with the green one (gets it out of the way so its done as this is the one not for the faint hearted) you should drink all Juices within 24 hours, so I keep jars from jams and coconut oil and make 3-4 juices (as this is all I generally need for a day) then keep them in the fridge, that way I only clean the juicer once a day and I am prepared with all my Juice Recipes: The green one (total body health, detox of liver, kidneys and heavy metals from body) You can literally put as many green things in this as possible but this is what I do: 3 leaves kale 5 sprigs of parsley 5 sprigs of coriander (this is what leeches the metals) 2 sticks of celery 1/2 cucumber 1/2 lemon (remove the rind if not organic) Teaspoon of organic chlorella (I use fushi brand) the chlorella is important because the coriander leeches metals so fast its hard for your body to flush them as quick so they end up back in your blood stream, the chlorella acts like a magnet and so carries it out in your waste Liver detox: 2 beetroot (preferably with tops still on) 2 sticks of celery 1/2 cucumber 1/2 a thumb of ginger 1/2 lemon Lung detox: 3 leaves kale 1/2 a thumb of ginger One lime peeled 1/2 a daikon radish (called mooli) 3 celery sticks 1 large carrot General pick me up/ anti inflammatory 3 carrots 2 apples (preferably green: less sugar) 1/2 thumb of ginger 1 turmeric root (can be left out if you cant find) Try these for three days. They are virtually sugar free as, as you can see, I dont juice fruit in general so you can have as many of these as you like. Dont go hungry, if you feel hungry, have a juice. Some people have up to 13, you cant overdose On any of this, but see how you go, they make quite big jars for me So 4 is plenty. You can also play around with recipes as you get into it. If you can do 3 days without food, just juice, you will have reset your body and gut for optimal health benefits. Any work you do in the gym will show much better results and any weight loss you want to achieve will be much quicker. Dont be surprised if you need a lot less sleep. Its all the vitamins and minerals your body is getting energising your body. Any more help needed, just ask xx
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 07:30:19 +0000

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