A few people have complained that bringing up 9/11 conspiracy - TopicsExpress


A few people have complained that bringing up 9/11 conspiracy theories isnt a productive use of this pages time and I should stop posting regarding the evidence of controlled demolition. I would like to point out a few things that bring me to the conclusion that not only is this information relevant, it is imperative that it be brought to the surface and exposed in our effort to restore the Constitutional Republic. Truth matters to Patriotic Americans. It is the foundation of justice; the pillar of what it means to be an American. Thus, it must be noted that the official explanation is physically impossible. 1) The evidence for controlled demolition is irrefutable. Building 7, a third building most do not even realize fell 5 hours after the twin towers fell, experienced symmetric free fall for over 2 seconds. This fact was confirmed by NIST. youtube/watch?v=j7s4AQ5oR10 youtube/watch?v=mSyqfM-Rgy0 It is impossible that a building can undergo free-fall without first removing the supporting structures with explosives. 2) NIST admitted that iron rich micro-spheres were found in the world trade center dust that in order to form must experience temperatures nearly 1000 degrees hotter than the maximum temperatures possible that day. If perfect combustion of all fuels present were accomplished that day the maximum temperature achievable is around 1800 degrees Fahrenheit. Iron micro-spheres similar to those found in mass in the WTC dust require temperatures over 2700 degrees Fahrenheit These spheres are perfectly consistent with a controlled demolition explanation of the event. ae911truth.org/news/41-articles/348-previously-molten-iron-spheres-were-in-wtc-dust-reveal-use-of-thermitic-materials.html 3) Molten steel and extremely high temperatures were observed by numerous credible witnesses and as well as NIST in the months following the 9/11 attacks and highly energetic, active thermitic material was found in the dust of both WTCs. ae911truth.org/news/41-articles/347-high-temperatures-persistent-heat-a-molten-steel-at-wtc-site-challenge-official-story.html benthamscience/open/tocpj/articles/V002/7TOCPJ.pdf These three facts alone are enough to prove the official story is false. A new investigation must be conducted that sufficiently answers the objective evidence, most of which is not listed here but further expands the impossibility of the NIST narrative. If it is true that the official explanation is intentionally false, this implicates the GW Bush administration, as well as the Obama administration, of the greatest coverup in the history of the United States and potentially implicates them or their agents as accomplices. The destruction of our Constitutional free society and the now plainly evident police State which has taken its place are falsely justified. The wars we engaged in and continue to engage in, the thousands of American lives lost and the suffering caused, and the trillions of borrowed dollars we consumed and are continuing to consume are based on a false premise. If we allow this lie to stand we are guaranteed future attacks to mold and distort our perceptions and opinion of government actions. Americans individual rights have been attacked like never before in our countrys history and we must not stand idly by or these events will obliterate our confidence in our institutions and government at its core. When the truth slowly leaks out, it will be impossible to resuscitate our confidence. We must hold an honest investigation and determine who is responsible in order to bring them to justice. I believe in the Creator and our Creator will not bless our nation or lift our nation as he has in the past if we do not stand for truth and justice, regardless of how disillusioning and uncomfortable it may be. posted by David Cox This video documents the facts: youtube/watch?v=DegLpgJmFL8 This is a good short film that exposes the contradictions between the official NIST report and the evidence: youtube/watch?v=DegLpgJmFL8
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 06:58:51 +0000

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