A few random thoughts: 1. Ive worked out at bodybuilding gyms, - TopicsExpress


A few random thoughts: 1. Ive worked out at bodybuilding gyms, Coops, Crossfit. Every type of gym you can imagine. ANYONE who states You cant get a good workout at Planet Fitness is someone that doesnt know how to navigate a gym properly. Anyone whos not doing competitions will get a rock-solid body no matter where they train if they put in the work. 2. Facebook has turned into Look what I found on the internet today and has lost its personal touch. While were on the subject, could you fact check your news posts? Every other news story is completely false. 3. How many of you see posts like this: IF YOUVE GOT SOMETHING TO SAY TO ME, SAY IT TO MY FACE AND NOT BEHIND MY BACK!!! See the irony? 4. Okay, I get it! You love to take pics of yourself! Thanks for updating my news feed with your face.. for the fourth time today...At least you put an irrelevant song lyric with that pic... 5. Taking pics of gym newbies doing things incorrectly in the gym is absolutely sad. You making fun of others for trying something that you dont have the willpower to do doesnt justify it either.. 6. Dont compare your life to those you see on FB. I understand you can get depressed seeing the great lives of others, but remember this: People only post their best moments. Dont compare your life to others highlight reels. 7. Live today like it was your last day is horrible advice. Id be naked and broke if I followed this advice. 8. You dont need to watch what you eat, you look amazing!..... Yeah, because I watch what I eat. 9. It doesnt matter how in shape I get. My grandma will always say that Im too skinny because Im not 250 pounds. 10. If youre still holding onto those Beanie Babies waiting for the huge payoff, sorry to disappoint you... 11. Do any of you smoke around children? Please enlighten me with your rationale. Im tired of asking others to not smoke around my kids.. 12. Speaking of kids: If you have full-time custody of yours and still party with your friends several nights a week while leaving the baby with your mom, youre not a parent. 13. Whats with this quote?: A real man will accept me at my worst or he doesnt deserve me at my best.... No... Saying basically that he has to put up with you being a disgusting brat? Maybe thats why youre single.. 14. Taylor Swift writes songs about all of her breakups and how horrible the men are. After several breakups, maybe she should write a song called Yeah, maybe Im a horrible girlfriend.. 15. Loaning a friend money is just paying them to avoid you for months on end. 16. Lets end this on a positive note: When you decide to change yourself for the better, people close to you will s*** all over it. They will tell you that you cant do it, make fun of you, and set out to single you out because youve changed. When in reality, theyre projecting their insecurities onto you for something that they cant do-- better themselves. Eating healthy while your friends eat burgers? Theyll surely bring it up. Dont give in. I was in your shoes years ago. Those same people who made fun of me are now the ones paying me to get them into great shape. Be you. Be true. BeFit.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 05:46:25 +0000

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