A few things I took away from this past weekend: 1. ALWAYS - TopicsExpress


A few things I took away from this past weekend: 1. ALWAYS operate from a place of GRATITUDE. Gratitude for your family, your friends and your health. Gratitude for the opportunity we have with Herbalife to spread health and wealth around the world. Gratitude for Mark Hughes and his vision; for Michael O. Johnson and his leadership; for all of the doctors, scientists, nutritionist, leaders and distributors that have gone before us to pave the way; for your sponsor for introducing you to the products and the company and giving you a chance to look, feel and be better than ever and help others do the same; for your clients and your team for trusting you and giving you the opportunity to help them. When we look at each situation with gratitude, our attitude immediately changes. Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. - Melody Beattie Those who have the ability to be grateful are the ones who have the ability to achieve greatness. - Steve Maraboli 2. ALWAYS operate with INTEGRITY. Do what is right even when no one else is looking. And if you mess up (which we all do..none of us are perfect) APOLOGIZE and do what you can to correct the problem as quickly as possible. Side note: if you are on the other end, FORGIVE..There is no poison greater than that of unforgiveness. Respond gently and with mercy..you never know when you might need the same. Winning is nice if you dont lose your integrity in the process. -Arnold Horshak There are seven things that will destroy us: Wealth without work; Pleasure without conscience; Knowledge without character; Religion without sacrifice; Politics without principle; Science without humanity; Business without ethics.-Mahatma Gandhi 3. Be RESPONSIBLE for your own business. We are INDEPENDENT distributors! This is YOUR business, not your sponsors business. Your sponsor should be there to answer questions for you, encourage you and show you where to go for training and resources, but it is ultimately your responsible to get to the trainings, do your own research and lead your own team and clients. If your sponsor is present and there to help you, be grateful for that. If your sponsor is essentially non-existent, use it as a learning tool for yourself and work on becoming a better leader because of it. You get paid because of the value that YOU bring to the marketplace. Work on yourself first, take responsibility for your own progress. ~I Ching 4. LOVE people where they are while believing in them and helping them reach their full potential. Fight for their results. Believe in them more than they believe in themselves. Care more about the person than the paycheck and the paycheck will come. Khalil Blakey said this weekend that we are the training wheels for people. Be there to hold the bike, cheer them on and help them up when they fall until you can finally let go. You can either give a man a fish or teach a man to fish. It is better to empower them for greatness! 5. Surround yourself with POSITIVE like-minded people and invest your time in them. Negativity breeds negativity. If you are constantly around people who bring you down, you will eventually be down. If you surround yourself with positive people, you will feel, think, speak and be more positive. There is no room for darkness where there is light. Create a COMMUNITY of positive people on the path to a healthy, active lifestyle. You can do this through fit camps, walking/running clubs, knitting groups, book clubs, etc...Find people who love to do the same things you love to do. Negative is natural; positive is on purpose. - David Hayes Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. -Helen Keller I took away so much more but these are a few of the nuggets that I feel are priceless.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 18:13:11 +0000

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