A few thoughts and comments on the Dave Clark Five PBS - TopicsExpress


A few thoughts and comments on the Dave Clark Five PBS documentary... Ron Ryan got his name on the show. Did anyone notice? When they showed the newspaper with the headline Dave Clark Five Top The Bill At The Palladium Show, you can see in the article underneath the heading, Their first EP, released last Friday by Columbia, has notched up an advance order of 100,000. It features their first hit Do You Love Me?, Poison Ivy which (cant see it, but I feel sure it says) DAVE co-composed, I Know You (with Lenny Davidson) and No Time To Lose (with Ron Ryan). Not only that, but they played Thinking Of You Baby in its entirety during the home movies. So Ron, I dont know if that was deliberate, but its nice to see you got in there. It was great to see Mikes interview segments. Its a shame there was none with Lenny, Rick or Denis. In fact, Dave did so much talking about himself, there wasnt that much that focused on the others, except for the mention of what a great voice Mike had, which we all know. The only beyond the Dave Clark Five that was in the show was Dave spending 15 or 20 minutes talking about Time. Thats 15 or 20 minutes of TIME that they could have spent talking about the rest of the band. Or talking about how Mike was touring before his accident, or the fact that Dave threatened to sue Mike if he used The Dave Clark Five in his tour promotion or advertising. The didnt even talk about Mikes accident. They didnt talk about the fact that Mike spent a good while writing advertising jingles, or that he released an album with Mike dAbo of Manfred Mann in the 70s, or that Mike released a fine solo album around 1990. They didnt talk about what any of the others did after the Dave Clark Five. It was great to see the band actually performing Nineteen Days and Georgia live at the Royal Command Performance. Is there no other footage at all of the band actually playing live, rather than lip syncing? Theres GOT to be. It was interesting to see Dave actually playing the drums in the studio segment. Assuming he was? Any drummers here notice whether he was or not? ;-) All in all, I loved seeing the show. I didnt even mind Whoopi. It seemed that she genuinely loved the band. Also, seeing Rick, Lenny and Dave at the end of the R&R Hall of Fame show, it struck me that they were genuinely appreciative of being inducted, especially Rick and Lenny. And, as I mentioned in another post, it was Tom Hanks talking to Dave after the induction that prompted Dave to put this documentary together. I read that Dave didnt think the band was that important to U.S. fans, but Tom convinced Dave that it was important for Dave to do this for the fans. I for one am glad Tom did. Even if some of it was skewed by Daves perspective, it was great seeing all the footage, interviews, and people showing appreciation for one of my favorite bands. Maybe this will lead to Dave finally releasing everything on CD. In the meantime, you can find all the albums plus a lot of unreleased material on iTunes. Closing with a great song written by Denis...
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 08:23:28 +0000

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