A few thoughts extracted from this Sunday’s sermon at Eagle’s - TopicsExpress


A few thoughts extracted from this Sunday’s sermon at Eagle’s Rest, “An Open Heaven” Revelation 4:1 “After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will show you things which must be hereafter.” There are supernatural openings in the heavens, (I call them “hot spots”) which the church will move into in the coming months. It is an open heaven that will result in tremendous open doors or opportunities, and in some places it has already appeared, but what is coming will be even greater but we will miss whatever we’re not looking for. There is a pattern recorded in scripture for our benefit, so we can map out and experience these open heaven encounters. The person who encounters an open heaven then becomes the messengers of what they have experienced, like a tour guide, describing, encouraging and leading others who are seeking, into the experience. This is a doctrine which is developed throughout the Scriptures. In Genesis 28 we see Jacob experiencing an open heaven. As Jacob sleeps he dreams. Dreaming is often one of the ways God brings us to those “thin places” where the curtain between this realm and the heavenly realm becomes transparent and we see what was invisible before. Jacob is a type of the church, waiting for the promise to be manifested along their journey. He is isolated, alone in a wilderness, and he is fearful and confused. He knows where he is going but not sure God is going with him. He experiences his open heaven in a time of darkness and peril where he is calling upon God for answers that seem far beyond him. An open heaven changes our perceptions and our perspective. Jacob was able to get a glimpse of the heavenly atmosphere of peace and assurance of God’s total dominion. He immediately builds an alter and worships God, because a true open heaven experience will always release deep, abiding worship unto the most high God. True open heavens will dismantle our fears, free us from our baser emotions, and release a sacrificial offering of ourselves. Open heavens always bring revelation, so that we might see the heart of God and bring His pure truth into the earth. *….An open heaven marks the entry point of the Glory of God and the Glory of God bestows authority over the curse, and signs, wonders and miracles begin to be seen. To have an open heaven appoints an individual as the steward, guide and spokesman to that portal of God. When heaven opens, there is a shift which sets things into motion and brings an adjustment and a brand new direction into the earth. An open heaven is a tremendous deposit which God makes into the life of his people and it must not be lost to the winds of doubt and confusion, and be diminished by clinging to old stale religious and traditional patterns and beliefs. Open heavens always produce new inspiration and passion for Christ. Godly passion will always be demonstrated more than it is articulated. The glory of God is transferred as a demonstration more than an explanation. After the demonstration, there will be plenty of explanations that will come out of our personal transformation. Will we embrace it, promote it and carry it. You see, an open *……heaven always settles down upon us to embrace and quicken the preordained work of God that He has placed within us. To Peter, that sheet let down represented his call to reach all people with the gospel; with Mary, the implanted word of conception represented God’s great heart to provide new birth to all who would receive Him; for Jacob, angels ascending and descending were about heaven’s nearness to us, guiding, surrounding and positioning us in every place of life.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 20:36:28 +0000

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