A few weeks ago, I had to have an MRI of the cervical spine. I - TopicsExpress


A few weeks ago, I had to have an MRI of the cervical spine. I received the results today and it showed Spinal Stenosis (narrowing of spaces in the spine, causing pressure on the spinal cord and nerves) and herniated/bulging disks from C4, C5 & C6 (the disc levels). I am not opting for surgery at this point but need to start intense PT as its only going to get worse. Im honestly not surprised and, honestly, I really wouldnt care about this much at all & would chalk it up as no big deal. But its just the simple fact that Im just getting too used to this, and THATS whats really depressing. (Too used to being diagnosed with painful crap)... As some of you already know, I have Sacroiliitis (inflammation of the sacroiliac joint), Fibromyalgia and slipped disks in my lumbar & thoracic spine. I also have Degeneration of the Lumbar Spine, Degenerative Disc Disease and Cervical Radiculopathy (pain radiating in the compressed nerve root, with compresses on the spinal cord, which causes significant problems with spasticity). Ive had this excrutiating pain in my mid & lower back for years. Recently, just a few weeks ago, I started to feel extreme pain in my neck to the point where I couldnt even turn my head, esp to look up. It was like my entire neck was frozen or paralyzed in pain (similar to my lower back pain). However, I really didnt think much of it because the pain radiated down my left arm, so I figured it was probably just a neck strain or sprain or a pinched nerve that would heal eventually. The only thing I was confused about was the burning pain I was feeling in the middle of my cervical spine. Despite my not wanting one, my doctor ordered an MRI and, unfortunately, I was wrong & dont have something that will heal eventually. But you look so normal! Thats what I tend to hear a lot when I tell people I was diagnosed with the majority of this at only 29 years of age. Or but you act so active or seem so flexible. And occasionally certain people will be in disbelief as to the amount of pain Im in because I dont show it (and that pisses me off intensely and causes me to honestly truly SNAP). Its simple really... not all pain is visible & some people just dont like to talk about or show how they truly feel. And, no, I wasnt in an accident which caused all this. Sometimes some people just get certain ailments. So why am I sharing this now? IDK really. I think its mostly for those of you out there who are also suffering in silence from an invisible chronic pain syndrome that youll have for life and will only get worse over time with age. Im not sharing this for attention. In fact, I dont like a ton of questions or telling this story over & over for that matter. And I HATE being treated differently. I also despise hearing someone complain over something like the inconvenience of a broken finger or the pain of a broken wrist. If youre wearing a cast, youre in the healing process. You will get better. You are okay! The person youre complaining to just might be one of the millions suffering in silence with invisible chronic pain, so dont be surprised when they slap your inconsiderate ass in the face! ;) And DONT say you understand. (Please). The physical affects the mental and mentally Ill admit I have depression. But I am still also mentally strong, and I refuse to NOT be physically strong. Of course I have my down days. Everyday activities may cause me crucial pain, yet I will continue to work, dance, run, jump and act like a goofball as much as I want no matter how bad it might cause pain to flare-up worse. Because I wasnt put here to sit in the corner wallowing in self-pity... and, because, I also WANNA ROCK! ;) Perhaps you have RSD, MS, Chrones, Sciatica, RA, or another one of the thousands of invisible chronic pain syndromes for life. ButYouDontLookSick is a good website for anyone in a similar situation. Im FAR from a philosopher. Im just human. Like you. Thx for listening.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 01:25:13 +0000

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