A few years back, Doug and I were receiving hateful letters sent - TopicsExpress


A few years back, Doug and I were receiving hateful letters sent by an anonymous women who made it her duty to tear apart our character and let us know that others in the church felt the same way. We put up with it for 2 years!!! We finally left the church because I was heartbroken and felt like I couldnt trust anyone anymore. After a year plus, I reluctantly agreed to come back. It has been great until now. ANOTHER LETTER!!! I want to be strong but am beyond hurt. I have realized one thing in all of this… TRUST NO ONE!!! This women (Yes, I know its a women because she reveals herself as one) has let us know she and her entourage are watching our every move. I am sorry to make this public but this person is a coward and has nothing better to do than stalk me and my husband and tear us apart, while hiding. I am DONE playing nice!! I know this woman is reading this so to you I say, BACK OFF, and leave us alone!! What do you want from us? I am not perfect and have never claimed to be! I express things that I am dealing with, enlightened on, excited and proud of but never do I say Im perfect! To those who say keep your dirty laundry private… I agree until your family is being attacked and stalked by someone who says they are praying for you. Am I hurt, yes… angry… YOU BET!!! I have put up with these letters for YEARS now and I am sick of it!! You want me to leave the church? FINE!!! You stopped your hateful letters while were gone so maybe thats what you want? Just say what you want??? Leave us alone, please!!! I am so sorry to those who have had to read this but its the only way I can confront this miserable person. I will be waiting for your NEXT letter...
Posted on: Sat, 24 May 2014 02:49:39 +0000

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