A few years following his tragic downfall in Ft. Mill, SC, Jim - TopicsExpress


A few years following his tragic downfall in Ft. Mill, SC, Jim Baker wrote a best selling book entitled, I Was Wrong! His stunning admission was a public apology for all the mistakes hed made relative to his ministry, monetary practices, and morality! Well, I want to say that some of my good friends were exactly RIGHT when they spoke early and courageously about President Barack Hussein Obama! Though I didnt see it as clearly, early on, as I do now, I must boldly say, They were right! What a number of Congressmen have been willing to admit in private, but not on the record, a former CIA Operations Officer is now declaring--that under President Barack Obama, the United States has switched sides in the war on terror. Clare Lopez, an impressive woman with an incredible resume (two decades in the field as a CIA operations officer; an instructor for military intelligence and special forces students; a consultant, intelligence analyst and researcher within the defense sector; publisher two books on Iran. Lopez currently manages the counter-jihad and Shariah programs at the Center for Security Policy, run by Frank Gaffney, former assistant secretary of defense for international security policy during the Reagan administration), explains that when the Arab Spring began in 2010, It was time to bring down the secular Muslim rulers who did not enforce Islamic law. And America helped.” Why would Obama want that? According to Lopez, its because the Muslim Brotherhood has so thoroughly infiltrated the Obama Administration and other branches of the federal government. She has also concluded that Obama has essentially the same goals in the Mideast as the late Osama bin Laden: “to remove American power and influence, including military forces, from Islamic lands.” As is the case with the ever increasing chorus of media personalities, elected officials, and some in the Presidents own party, Lopez struggles to understand why Obama, CIA Director John Brennan and other Obama officials, “consistently seem to apologize for Islam, even in the face of such atrocities as the Foley beheading,” adding, they “take pains to assure the world they don’t think IS, (or the Islamic State, also called ISIS) or whichever perpetrator it was, has anything to do with Islam. How can they possibly believe that genuinely when everything these jihadis do tracks directly to the literal text of the Quran, hadiths and Shariah?” May I venture an answer to Lopezs (and the growing cadre of stunned, loyal Americans) query? The simple and increasingly glaring fact is that our President is a Muslim sympathizer (at the least), if not an outright committed Muslim (at the worst). What else could possibly explain his beyond bizarre press conference today, at which he brazenly declared that he has no strategy for responding to ISIS in Syria? If you dont yet have a strategy, at least dont advertise that to the world! His admission has produced absolute outrage among the defense community, prompting responses from treasonous to downright embarrassing! Right after Obama was elected, I began hearing (from well-informed sources) warnings that our newly elected President had, at the very least, an Islamic bent, if not more than that! When a number of us started reporting that fact, we were mocked, called alarmists, and other descriptive adjectives! Now, those in high places of influence are seeing what should have been obvious! The man we call President is a Manchurian Candidate! Tragically, its taken the meteoric rise of ISIS, and the Presidents completely inane response to it, to awaken some who should have already been believers! Now, we face a more than real, and growing daily, threat to our homeland and very existence as a free people! This afternoon, the security apparatus of the United States, has announced that there is a dramatic escalation of chatter regarding an imminent attack here in America! In response to that news, the President has chosen to make a fund-raising trip tomorrow! Why does he not understand the threat we face? Why will be not stay home to deal with job # 1--protecting the American people and preventing another 9-11 style attack? Perhaps he does understand! Perhaps he desires the further destruction of America! Though I cannot betray my sources, in the last several days Ive communicated with some who are very much in the know and are well-connected! Their conclusions are exactly the same as mine relative to our President! I can only hope that the veil that still covers the eyes of many will now be lifted! Rather than attacking the watchmen on the wall whove tried to sound the alarm relative to this man, may observing men and women realize that a diabolical thing has occurred in our beloved land! Weve been duped, yea horrifically deceived, by a very subtle Trojan Horse! Now, will we have the fortitude to do something substantive about it? May God grant courage and leadership to those in Congress who truly understand the threat we face! May God grant His preachers the wisdom and power to speak truth to their congregations, calling them to repentance, humility and earnest prayer, that we may be spared the horror of an Islamic caliphate right here in America! It is for this very thing that a growing number of arrogant, agitating Islamic leaders are now unequivocally calling! So, once again I say, Wake up America! And especially to my dear pastor friends, Lets speak up fearlessly with the truth! Dave Kistler President, HOPE Ministries International President, North Carolina Pastors Network (NCPN)
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 14:29:49 +0000

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