A fictional story goes like this : Albert Swamerberg woke up in - TopicsExpress


A fictional story goes like this : Albert Swamerberg woke up in Tel aviv one day and decided to destroy a peaceful country called Malaysia. He realized that Malaysia is one of the few who opposed to the existence of his country that his parent fought to death to defend. He switched on his MacBook Pro, and logged unto Facebook. He is well versed with malaysia racial and political scenario because its all obvious and made public. He decided to destroy the whole Malaysia by creating racial tension. What he did was really simple. He first typed in malaysia in facebooks search column, and there were ample of profiles photos of Malaysians popping up. He chose 10 Chinese profile, 10 Muslim profile and open them in another link. Then, he recreated these 20 profiles, using the 5 prepaid unregistered SIM cards he just bought from Tel Aviv telco, to verify these accounts, knowing that Facebook has very low verification requirement as long as you key in your phone number. Once he created these 20 accounts, he started to use them to comment and post on issues that are offensive to another racial group. He would use the account of Melanie Liew to say things against Muslim, on their prayers, the way they wear, and hooking it up with terrorism in Middle East. He would the use the account of Nurul Huda to comment on casting and chasing Chinese out of Malaysia because they are parasite. After that, he screenshot these comments, making sure that the photos and names he created were captured in as well. He then circulate these screenshots in Facebook Group related to these ethic. He first typed in Muslim Malaysia and clicked groups below the search column. All these Muslim groups then populated in his screen. He would request to join 50 of these group , poising as Amir Fazli, one of the fake account. Within 2 minutes, his request was approved by 5 of the groups. He immediately upload the photo screenshot of his own Melanie liew comment against Islam, without any caption or wordings. 2 mins later, he typed in Chinese Malaysian group and requested to join in 20 of the populated groups using his Gordon Tan account he created. He then posted the screen shot of Nurul Huda and upon being approved his request. After that, he went out to the hill of Tel Aviv, watching IDF bombing Palestine for fun. The next day, Malaysia are in a state of chaos. Muslims and malay called for the punishment for this Melanie Liew and Chinese and non Muslim called for the punishment for this Nurul Huda. Poor real Melanie and Nurul Huda were so freaked out that they went to make police report, saying their account were hacked or duplicayed( identity theft). Immediately, Albert repeat the whole process again, this time using Kelvin Chan and Ahmad Zubadullahs account which he created yesterday, only with harsher contents and ruder words. Malaysia went through another state of chaos again. Within a week, the whole malaysia is experiencing racial clash, with people from different ethnicity boycotting and reprimanding each other. Share market collapse, investment pulled off, UN, USA, and western countries start to condemn malaysia, and curfew was imposed. Albert sat back in front of his MacBook Pro, sipping his Jerusalem brewed coffee harvested from occupied palestine, and laugh historically. Thats how easy we allow our country to collapse, by the hand of lunatics. What Albert did, was perfectly doable. He took less than 3 hours in total to destroy Malaysia , because we let him. We allow ourselves to be vulnerable, we allow ourselves to react on impulse, we refuse to trust each other, and we refuse to accept each other. How easy!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 07:20:13 +0000

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